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Security Industry: a New Strategic Sector for France.

| 2013
GICAN Press Release (French Marine Industry Group)
Security Industry: a New Strategic Sector for France
While new security challenges - especially maritime security - are still front page news, the French Prime Minister Jean- Marc Ayrault, together with a number of concerned Cabinet members, officially launched the COFIS, Comité de la Filière Industrielle de la sécurité (Committee for the Security Industrial Sector - FIS) on October 23, 2013. The sector's Industry groups, including GICAN, representing the naval and maritime industry, are the preferred Government partners for developing and deploying this new sector that is now officially part of the twelve major French industrial sectors.

The French security industry is now ready to tackle the export market.

To carry out its mission to develop the technology required to fight any type of attacks - traditional or new - the FIS will have an industrial executive arm, the CICS - Conseil des Industries de Confiance et de Sécurité (Committee of Certified Industries for Security) created by industry professionals . The industry will be a partner of the French government in its strategy to create a '' New Industrial France" to meet the needs of the home and foreign markets.

The FIS creation followed a project initiated in 2012 to draft a White Paper on Defence and Security. The four major professional unions involved in the proposed solutions for civilian and military security were : GICAN (Grouping of shipbuilding and naval Activities) for the naval part , GICAT for land operations , Gifas for aero-space , that were gathered within the CIDEF , and joined later by the FIEEC (including ACN) , for the electricity, electronics and communication part.

Role of the French Naval Security and Defence industry in the International market.

Grouped in the GICAN for most of them, the manufacturers of the French naval and maritime industry (excluding Pleasure yachting) account for over € 8.5 billion in revenue and provide over 40,000 direct jobs in France (numbers supplied by GICAN ). They are currently investing in various areas, including the emerging SSEM ( Maritime Safety / Security and Environment) area.

At the crossroads of civilian and military activities, the SSEM will be a key player in the major economic and technological challenges of the 21st Century such as seamen protection and fight against piracy, migration control , protection of the marine resources of sovereign states , fighting terrorism and illicit trafficking (drugs , humans) and management of natural disasters.

The GICAN represents the whole French naval expertise. It is regularly asked to make presentations in prominent international events on SSEM issues, including piracy , as in the recent Crans Montana Forum held on 18 October in Brussels. The French naval industry grouping , represented by its deputy General, Jean -Marie Camet made a presentation on the extensive industrial and technological naval French expertise available to the main international decision makers .

" The areas of expertise of the industrial sector of the Security and Defense in France , said Jean -Marie Camet , are at the boundaries of civilian and military activities . They cover transport (land, air and sea) , critical infrastructure , civil and digital security ( cyber security , communications, identity), crisis management , fight against terrorism and serious crime . The war against piracy is a major element of the economic and geopolitical challenges of the future. It is declining in the Gulf of Aden thanks to the advanced techniques used in the area by civilian and military authorities, but attacks are on the rise, with increased force and violence, in the Gulf of Guinea and other unstable areas. With seminars like this one, GICAN is able to present the French array of SSEM solutions. The presentations take place in specific areas within the two International Exhibitions we currently organize: EURONAVAL in even years , covering military solutions for global defence and EUROMARITIME in odd years, covering the needs of the maritime civilian economy that is currently experiencing a major expansion. "
EURONAVAL and EUROMARITIME : two international showcases coordinated by the French shipbuilding industry

Save the dates :
Euronaval : PARIS - Le Bourget, October 27th to 31st, 2014.
Euromaritime / Eurowaterways : PARIS - Porte de Versailles, February 3rd - 4th - 5th, 2015

Managed by GICAN and its partners, sponsored by French Ministries and European Institutions , EURONAVAL and EUROMARITIME are alternately presenting global responses from large industrial concerns and SMEs / ETI from France and abroad, in order to meet the maritime challenges of the 21st Century.

About EURONAVAL (October 27th to 31st, 2014 )

EURONAVAL is a Biennial Exhibition and the world leading show for Defence and Naval Security. It is aimed at State and Government decision makers with a French and international array of military solutions. EURONAVAL is attracting more and more leading edge technologies on Security - Safety, gathered in the SSEM cluster. Euronaval, is the naval equivalent of the SIAE Exhibition organized by the Gifas for aerospace and the Eurosatory Show organized by GICAT for land defence. .

EURONAVAL is the first World Show on naval defence , Maritime Safety and Security. It attracts close to one hundred foreign delegations. It is a benchmarket , a "B to B " multi-country rendezvous between SME - ETI contractors and end users. In 2012 , 370 exhibitors, including 50 % foreign exhibitors, presented their expertise in six major sectors ( Naval Defence , SSEM , Marine Environment , Transport and Infrastructure, Services , Research and Engineering ) .

Key numbers for the 2012 show:

• 370 exhibitors, including 50% foreign exhibitors from 33 countries
• 14,500 m² of exhibition space
• 30,458 professional visitors from 115 countries
• 96 official delegations from 67 countries
• 300 " Euronaval Guests"
• 400 accredited journalists
• 1200 business meetings

For further information check:

Vietnam has selected MBDA's Exocet MM40 Block III anti-ship missiles and VL Mica SAM systems for its two Damen built Sigma 9814 Corvettes according to French business weekly La Tribune. The two systems represent some of the most modern maritime superiority missile solutions.
About EUROMARITIME (February 3rd-4th- 5th, 2015)

Created in 2013 by the GICAN and the Weekly magazine "Le Marin" (part of the Ouest-France Media group) and supported by the CMF, EUROMARITIME is the first European exhibition on the maritime economy and its strategic issues. Euromaritime is a biennial show open to professionals from the civilian maritime sector. It is designed to showcase the 11 activities of the sector including ship building and repair , EMRs , offshore and port activities, with the civilian aspect of maritime safety as regulated by international maritime law.
In 2015 over 250 exhibitors are expected take part in the Porte de Versailles exhibition that will cover 8,500 m2. The Exhibition is sponsored by the European Community represented by Maria Damanaki herself . She opened the 2013 EUROMARITIME show that became for a few days the world meeting place for B to B , benchmarket and conferences. For a short period it became the center of the maritime economy in Europe. The 2015 novelty: addition of an Exhibition on the River economy: Eurowaterways . That new part will be integrated in the Euromaritime Show.

For further information check out:
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