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Sonardyne showcased its Sentinel underwater diver detection sonar at LIMA 2013.

| 2013
LIMA 2013 Daily News - Sonardyne at LIMA 2013
Sonardyne showcased its Sentinel underwater diver detection sonar at LIMA 2013
At the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition 2013, Sonardyne showcased its Sentinel system. Sentinel IDS® is the worlds biggest selling underwater diver detection sonar. Since its launch it has rapidly gained acceptance across the entire market spectrum protecting Ports and Harbours, Naval Platforms, Commercial Vessels, Megayachts, Critical Infrastructure and VIP Assets.

Sentinel takes reliable, long range underwater intruder detection to a new level. The system has been developed from inception specifically for the purpose of detection and tracking difficult to find underwater targets.

The system is small, lightweight, has a low false alarm rate and, once configured, can be left to operate autonomously. The flexibility afforded by Sentinel’s small footprint, with its full 360° detection area and network head capability, outperforms far more expensive and complex technologies.
At the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition 2013, Sonardyne showcased its Sentinel system. Sentinel IDS® is the worlds biggest selling underwater diver detection sonar. Since its launch it has rapidly gained acceptance across the entire market spectrum protecting Ports and Harbours, Naval Platforms, Commercial Vessels, Megayachts, Critical Infrastructure and VIP Assets.
The Sentinel sonar head provides 360 coverage and can be deployed from a vessel, harbour wall or onto the seabed using a dedicated frame
For expeditionary installations, the system is flexible and capable of rapid deployment by unskilled operators. For permanent installations, the same subsea hardware can be deployed in many different configurations with full functionality providing the user with complete underwater domain awareness.
The state-of-the-art techniques adopted by Sonardyne deliver class leading performance which has seen Sentinel adopted as the standard by military, government and private agencies worldwide to protect vessels, strategic waterside infrastructure and VIPs.

The reliable detection of underwater targets and their discrimination from marine mammals is a notoriously difficult problem. The Sentinel IDS system addresses this challenge by combining state-of-the-art sonar technology, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) based processing units and automated detection, classification and tracking software which has been tested and proven in extensive trials.

The result is a system that can function in a wide a range of acoustically complex subsea environments and ensure that only genuine threats are highlighted. This minimises false alarms and reduces the dangerous tension that these can generate.
At the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition 2013, Sonardyne showcased its Sentinel system. Sentinel IDS® is the worlds biggest selling underwater diver detection sonar. Since its launch it has rapidly gained acceptance across the entire market spectrum protecting Ports and Harbours, Naval Platforms, Commercial Vessels, Megayachts, Critical Infrastructure and VIP Assets.
Sonardyne stand at LIMA 2013
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