Oscar II class SSGN and One Akula class SSN to Be Recommissioned in Russian
nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy currently under maintenance will
be recommissioned by 2014, a Navy spokesman told journalists Tuesday:
Two Oscar II class (Project 949A Antey) nuclear-powered cruise missile
submarines and one Akula class (Project 971 Schuka-B) nuclear-powered
attack submarine.
Oscar II class SSGN
(picture: Internet)
The K-410 Smolensk cruise missile submarine, which
is undergoing repairs since 2011, will resume its service in the Northern
Fleet, the spokesman said.
The Pacific Fleet will be rejoined by the K-150 Tomsk cruise missile
submarine, which was docked in 2010 due to problems with the cooling
engine of its nuclear reactor; and the K-419 Kuzbass attack submarine,
under repairs since 2010. The Kuzbass belongs to the same Akula II class
as the ill-fated K-152 Nerpa, on which 20 people were killed during
sea trials in 2008 due to malfunction of the fire suppression system.
The Russian Navy has 48 nuclear submarines, 20 of which are currently
undergoing repairs or upgrade, according to database.