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Indian Navy Successfully Test Fires LRSAM/Barak-8 Air & Missile Defense System from INS Kolkata.

| 2015
Naval Force News - India
Indian Navy Successfully Test Fires LRSAM/Barak-8 Air & Missile Defense System from INS Kolkata
The Indian Navy achieved a significant milestone in enhancing its Anti Air Warfare capability with the maiden firing of its newly developed Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LR SAM). The firing was undertaken on 29 and 30th Dec 15 on the Western Seaboard by INS Kolkata, wherein the missile successesfully intercepted an Aerial Target at extended ranges.

Apart from the missile, the system includes a Multi Functional Surveillance and Threat Alert Radar (MF STAR) for detection, tracking and guidance of the missile. The firing trial of the LR SAM has been jointly carried out by the Indian Navy, DRDO and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).
The Indian Navy achieved a significant milestone in enhancing its Anti Air Warfare capability with the maiden firing of its newly developed Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM also known as IAI's Barak-8). The firing was undertaken on 29 and 30th Dec 15 on the Western Seaboard by INS Kolkata Destroyer, wherein the missile successesfully intercepted an Aerial Target at extended ranges. LRSAM / Barak-8 is test fired from INS Kolkata destroyer. Picture: Indian Navy
The successful conduct of the test has been the result of sustained efforts by all stake holders over the years, DRDL, Hyderabad, a DRDO Lab, has jointly developed this missile in collaboration with Israel Aerospace Industries. The LR SAM has been manufactured by M/s Bharat Dynamics Limited, India.

A November 2014 test validated all components of the weapon system to the satisfaction of the customer representatives. The missile was successfully tested in November 2015 from an Israeli Navy Sa-ar 5 class corvette.
Video: Barak-8 missile is launched from INS Kalkota
Ultimately, the Barak-8 system is expected to be fitted on board Kolkata and Visakhapatnam (Project 18B) class destroyers, aircraft carriers INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant, as well as designed the future Project 17A frigates. The Indian Navy is procuring the Barak-8 missile system to counter the latest anti-ship missile threats from China and Pakistan.

INS Kolkata is the lead ship of the Kolkata-class (Project 15A) guided-missile destroyers of the Indian Navy. She was constructed at Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL), and was handed over to the navy on 10 July 2014 after completing her sea trials.

Project 15A, which involves the delivery of three destroyers, will be followed by Project 15B. 15B will be an evolution of 15A.

Kolkata class destroyers are fitted with IAI's EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar , VLS to launch 16x Brahmos anti-ship supersonic cruise missile and 32x Barak-8 surface-to-air missiles, 4x AK-630 close in weapon systems and a 76mm main gun from Oto Melara. The class can accomodate two HAL Dhruv helicopters.
The Indian Navy announced its readiness to test the Barak-8 air and missile defense system. The missiles will be fired from the Indian Navy newest destroyer INS Kolkata sometime this summer, during the monson season. The goal is to qualify the system ahead of its deployement accross several vessels in the Indian Navy fleet. Indian Navy Kolkata class destroyers are set to be fitted with 32 Barak-8 surface to air missiles. IAI's EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar (at the top of the main mast) is also part of the system.
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