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Navy Recognition's Top 10 Stories of 2015.

| 2015
Navy Recognition - Top 2015 Stories
Navy Recognition's Top Stories of 2015
As 2015 comes to an end, here is an overview of the top ten naval defense stories we published this year, based on the number of readers.
At NAVDEX 2015 naval defense exhibition which was taking place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, last week, Navantia unveiled the F-538 frigate design it is proposing for the Peruvian Navy. Navantia representatives at NAVDEX 2015 told Navy Recognition that this new Frigate design is based on the proven AVANTE 3000/2400 design. This new design incorporates lessons learned in building the Spanish F-100, Norwegian F-310 and Australian AWS destroyers.The new F-538 Frigate design unveiled by Navantia at NAVDEX 2015
#1 At NAVDEX 2015 Navantia unveiled its F-538 Frigate Design for the Peruvian Navy

At NAVDEX 2015 naval defense exhibition which was taking place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, last week, Navantia unveiled the F-538 frigate design it is proposing for the Peruvian Navy. Navantia representatives at NAVDEX 2015 told Navy Recognition that this new Frigate design is based on the proven AVANTE 3000/2400 design. This new design incorporates lessons learned in building the Spanish F-100, Norwegian F-310 and Australian AWS destroyers.
According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers. 27DD AEGIS Guided Missile Destroyer technical specifications and layout
#2 Japan Defense Ministry Unveiled Details of "27DD" Class Railgun & Laser armed AEGIS Destroyer

According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers.
Israeli web portal Walla! recently published an interview with the head of the Israeli Navy's equipment division, Moshe Zana, who provided some details on the SAAR 6 vessel project ordered from Germany. The future Israeli Navy Saar 6 corvette. Picture: TKMS/Israeli Navy via
#3 Design of Future TKMS Built Saar 6 MEKO A100 Corvettes for Israeli Navy Unveiled

Israeli web portal Walla! recently published an interview with the head of the Israeli Navy's equipment division, Moshe Zana, who provided some details on the SAAR 6 vessel project ordered from Germany.
Video: China's VLFS concept unveiled recently
#4 China Unveiled its First VLFS Project Similar to the US Military Mobile Offshore Base Concept

China unveiled its first "Very Large Floating Platform" project which appears to be a 21st century iteration of the US Military "Mobile Offshore Base" concept. The project was unveiled to the public during the "National Defense Science and Technology Achievements" exhibition held recently in Beijing.
Between 2017 and 2027, Barracuda-type nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN) will replace the Marine Nationale (French Navy's) current-generation Rubis/Améthyste-class SSNs. Navy Recognition recently had the unique opportunity to ask the French Navy's Barracuda program manager & officer a few questions on the next generation submarine of the French Navy. Artist impression: A Barracuda type (Suffren class) SSN sailing out for a patrol alongside an Horizon type air defense destroyer. Picture: French Navy
#5 Exclusive Interview With The French Navy On The Barracuda SSN Program

Between 2017 and 2027, Barracuda-type nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN) will replace the Marine Nationale (French Navy's) current-generation Rubis/Améthyste-class SSNs. Navy Recognition recently had the unique opportunity to ask the French Navy's Barracuda program manager & officer a few questions on the next generation submarine of the French Navy.
BAE Systems at the Navy League’s 2015 Sea-Air-Space Exposition is showcasing for the first time a new 57mm guided projectile: The Ordnance for Rapid Kill of Attack Craft or ORKA (technical designation: MK295 MOD 1). The new round is designed to be shot from the 57mm MK110 fitted on both types of US Navy Littoral Combat Ships. The new ORKA 57mm Guided Projectile on BAE Systems Booth at Sea Air Space 2015
#6 BAE Systems Unveils the ORKA One Shot One Kill Round for 57mm Gun at Sea-Air-Space 2015

BAE Systems at the Navy League’s 2015 Sea-Air-Space Exposition is showcasing for the first time a new 57mm guided projectile: The Ordnance for Rapid Kill of Attack Craft or ORKA (technical designation: MK295 MOD 1). The new round is designed to be shot from the 57mm MK110 fitted on both types of US Navy Littoral Combat Ships.
Russia's largest shipbuilding company JSC PO "Sevmash" based in Severodvinsk has published the list of new equipment being ordered for the overhaul of Admiral Nakhimov. The list is probably accurate because it was published on a Russian government online B2B trading platform. Admiral Nakhimov is a Kirov class nuclear-powered missile cruiser (Project 1144.2). The Admiral Nakhimov nuclear-powered missile cruiser (project 1144.2) in the dry dock at Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk in November 2014. Picture: Sevmash
#7 Russian Shipyard Sevmash Ordered New Equipment for Overhaul of Kirov Class Cruiser Nakhimov

Russia's largest shipbuilding company JSC PO "Sevmash" based in Severodvinsk has published the list of new equipment being ordered for the overhaul of Admiral Nakhimov. The list is probably accurate because it was published on a Russian government online B2B trading platform. Admiral Nakhimov is a Kirov class nuclear-powered missile cruiser (Project 1144.2).
Navy Recognition was the first to reveal images and (limited) details on the Vertical Launch Joint Strike Missile project when our team stumbled upon a scale model of the anti-ship missile project on the Kongsberg's booth in October last year during the AUSA show. You can read about it here. Kongsberg has since got back to us with some fresh details and an illustration. Artist impression provided by Kongsberg showing a VL-JSM being launched from a Fridtjof Nansen-class frigate. Image: Kongsberg
#8 Exclusive: New Details on the Kongsberg Vertical Launch Joint Strike Missile (VL JSM)

Navy Recognition was the first to reveal images and (limited) details on the Vertical Launch Joint Strike Missile project when our team stumbled upon a scale model of the anti-ship missile project on the Kongsberg's booth in October last year during the AUSA show. You can read about it here. Kongsberg has since got back to us with some fresh details and an illustration.
At PACIFIC 2015, the international maritime exposition held recently in Sydney, most shipyards or shipbuilding groups attending the event unveiled the design of their proposal for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) SEA5000 program. SEA5000 calls for the replacement of the RAN ANZAC class frigates. The Future Frigate is expected to have anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities and the CEAFAR2 radar currently in development by CEA. DCNS SEA5000 proposal is based on the successful FREMM design
#9 PACIFIC 2015: Pictures of the Contenders for the Australian Navy SEA5000 ASW Frigate Program

At PACIFIC 2015, the international maritime exposition held recently in Sydney, most shipyards or shipbuilding groups attending the event unveiled the design of their proposal for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) SEA5000 program. SEA5000 calls for the replacement of the RAN ANZAC class frigates. The Future Frigate is expected to have anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities and the CEAFAR2 radar currently in development by CEA.
Navy Recognition met with Hady Mourad, Lockheed Martin's Tactical Missiles Advanced Programs Director during the Navy League’s 2015 Sea-Air-Space Exposition to learn the latest developments on the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM). We learned some new information and even received some never-seen-before pictures. Newly released picture: September 2014 "CTV-1" flight test demonstrating integration with Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS) and Mk41 VLS. This test also demonstrated vertical launch egress, boost phase, booster separation and transition to cruise.
#10 LRASM Anti-Ship Missile Update with Lockheed Martin at Sea-Air-Space 2015

Navy Recognition met with Hady Mourad, Lockheed Martin's Tactical Missiles Advanced Programs Director during the Navy League’s 2015 Sea-Air-Space Exposition to learn the latest developments on the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM). We learned some new information and even received some never-seen-before pictures.
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