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Video: RAN Frigate HMAS Melbourne Firing a RIM-162 ESSM Missile from Mk41 VLS.

| 2015
Naval Forces News - Australia
Video: RAN Frigate HMAS Melbourne Firing a RIM-162 ESSM Missile from Mk41 VLS
The Royal Australian Navy Adelaide class frigate, HMAS Melbourne, has successfully fired two Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (RIM-162 ESSM), reinforcing her war-fighting and mariner skills. The missile firings were conducted off the coast of New South Wales on 24 June against an unmanned aerial target launched from the Beecroft Range at Jervis Bay.
The Royal Australian Navy Adelaide class frigate, HMAS Melbourne, has successfully fired two Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (RIM-162 ESSM), reinforcing her war-fighting and mariner skills. The missile firings were conducted off the coast of New South Wales on 24 June against an unmanned aerial target launched from the Beecroft Range at Jervis Bay.
RIM-162 ESSM Missile fired from RAN Adelaide class Frigate HMAS Melbourne
. Picture: RAN
Melbourne's MK-41 Vertical Launch System deployed the missiles, controlled in flight, resulting in a successful engagement with the target as part of her operational training program. The Evolved Sea Sparrow is a medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks. It can be used against Surface-to-Air and Surface-to-Surface targets. The missile is one of the suite of weapons use by Australian frigates. Later this year, Melbourne will deploy to the Middle East as part of Operation MANITOU where she will support efforts to counter and deter terrorism and the trade of narcotics.
RAN Video
In the mid-1990s, the Australian government commenced SEA 1390, also known as the FFG Upgrade Project. After the refit, the ships are capable of firing SM-2MR and RGM-84 Harpoon missiles from the Mark 13 launcher. An 8-cell Mark 41 Vertical Launch System for Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile has also been installed forward of the Mark 13 launcher. The Phalanx CIWS was upgraded to Block 1B, and the torpedoes, missiles, and other ship-mounted weapons were upgraded to the latest versions.

Raytheon's ESSM provides critical layered defense by delivering protecting firepower against high-G maneuvering anti-ship cruise missiles, supersonic high-diving threats and low-velocity air threats, as well as surface targets. Recently, ESSM was successfully launched from a ground-based system, demonstrating that the missile's performance over ground matches that over water. Significantly, no software changes were required to prove the ESSM's enhanced capability.
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