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Admiral Christophe Prazuck is the new Chief of the French Navy.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - France
Admiral Christophe Prazuck is the new Chief of the French Navy
Admiral Christophe Prazuck was appointed as the new Marine Nationale's Chief of Navy (CEMM for chef d’état-major de la marine - chief of staff of the navy) during a ceremony wich took place on July 12, 2016 aboard aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Admiral Prazuck succeeds to Admiral Rogel who held this position for the past 5 years and has launched a major transformation of the French Navy with the plan "Horizon Marine 2025". We had the chance to interview Admiral Rogel during Euronaval 2014. You can see this interview at this link.

Admiral Rogel becomes the new Chief of the Military Staff of the President of the Republic (Chef d'état-major particulier du président de la République)
Admiral Christophe Prazuck was appointed as the new Marine Nationale's Chief of Navy (CEMM for chef d’état-major de la marine - chief of staff of the navy) during a ceremony wich took place on July 12, 2016 aboard aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Admiral Prazuck succeeds to Admiral Rogel who held this position for the past 5 years and has launched a major transformation of the French Navy with the plan "Horizon Marine 2025".
Admiral Christophe Prazuck, the new Chief of the French Navy. Picture: French Navy
Admiral Prazuck takes his command in a context of high operational activity related to the increased challenges of defense and safety at sea. Operational excellence is a key to success. It relies on the involvement of every sailor, civilian and military.

Admiral Prazuck will continue the modernization process started by his predecessor. The success of this transformation is closely related to the know-how, the fighting-spirit and morale of the sailors.

Admiral Prazuck sailed aboard both submarines and surface combatants. He was commanding the famous "Commandos Marine" (French Navy special forces) between 2010 and 2012. He was then at the head of the human ressources of the French Navy until his appointment as Chief of Navy.
Admiral Christophe Prazuck was appointed as the new Marine Nationale's Chief of Navy (CEMM for chef d’état-major de la marine - chief of staff of the navy) during a ceremony wich took place on July 12, 2016 aboard aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Admiral Prazuck succeeds to Admiral Rogel who held this position for the past 5 years and has launched a major transformation of the French Navy with the plan "Horizon Marine 2025".
Admiral Prazuck (upcoming/left) and Admiral Rogel (outgoing/right). Picture: French Navy
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