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China's PLAN Received 20 AK-176 Naval Gun Systems from Russia in 2008-2015.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - China
China's PLAN Received 20 AK-176 Naval Gun Systems from Russia in 2008-2015
China has received 20 Russian 76mm AK-176 naval guns in 2008-2015, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute`s (SIPRI) arms transfer database. Russia signed the contract with China to supply 24 AK-176 naval guns to the Asian country in 2004 and the related deliveries were started in 2008. The gun are intended for 24 Type-054A (Jiangkai II) frigates being built by China. As of late 2015, China received 20 AK-176 guns under the aforementioned contract.
China had received 20 Russian 76mm AK-176 naval guns in 2008-2015, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute`s (SIPRI) arms transfer database. Russia signed the contract with China to supply 24 AK-176 naval guns to the Asian country in 2004 and the related deliveries were started in 2008. The gun are intended for 24 Type-054A (Jiangkai II) frigates being built by China. As of late 2015, China received 20 AK-176 guns under the aforementioned contract. In 2007-2012, Russia supplied to China three more AK-176 naval guns for Type-071 (Yuzhao) amphibious transport docks.
China has acquired various Russian-produced naval equipment in large quantities. In 2004 Russia signed the contract with China to supply 96 MR-90 (NATO reporting name: Front Dome) fire control radars to be installed on the Type-054A frigates and to be integrated with the HHQ-16 naval surface-to-air missiles systems. The deliveries of the MR-90s were started in 2008. As of late 2015, the Asian country received 80 such radars, according to the Stockholm Institute.

In 2013-2014 two of four ordered MR-123 (Bass Tilt) fire control radars were supplied by Russia for Chinese Zubr-class air-cushion landing craft.

China is supposed to be producing Russian naval equipment under license (or without it). In 2004-2015 103 30mm AK-630 close-in weapon systems were manufactured for Type-054 (Jiangkai I) firgates, Type-022 (Houbei) missile boats, Type-071 docks and Zubr-class craft. In 2013-2015 China produced 23 AK-176 naval guns for Type-056 (Jiangdao) frigates and 10 Mineral (Band Stand) sea search radars for Type-052C (Luyang II) and Type-052D (Luyang III) destroyers. In 2008-2015 20 Mineral radars were manufactured for Type-054A frigates.

According to SIPRI, the combined Russian arms supplies to China in 2014-2015 were valued at USD 1.538 billion.

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