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ECA Group unveils its UMS Simulator for Mine Counter Measures operations at Euronaval 2016 71710162.

| 2016
EURONAVAL 2016 Online Show Daily - ECA Group
ECA Group unveils its UMS Simulator for Mine Counter Measures operations at Euronaval 2016
ECA Group Naval Simulation teams have developed a technico functional simulator dedicated to Mine Counter Measure (MCM) operations. This simulator integrates the characteristics of ECA Group drones as well as the knowledge of operational use of the hundreds of ECA Group subsea drones delivered in the last 30 years.
ECA Group unveils its UMS Simulator for Mine Counter Measures operations at Euronaval 2016 001
ECA's Unmanned MCM Systems
The aim of UMS (Unmanned MCM Systems) simulator is to compare performances such as clearance duration or percentage of clearance between different MCM systems (Conventional MineHunter, UMS systems…). The UMS simulator is capable to compare the performances of these different MCM systems in all usual operational uses (Amphibious assault, Harbor protection, covert operations…).

By using that simulator for their own needs, ECA Group teams can orient development of UMIS (Unmanned MCM Information System) in order to improve collective efficiency for the “team” of drones.

By integrating UMS Simulator within UMIS, ECA Group can provide a customer with an efficient tool in order to plan the MCM operations having the capability to choose the right set of drones for a mission and to quickly re plan the mission depending on real conditions in MCM area (weather, current…).

The ECA Group UMS simulator was developed by ECA Group naval simulation teams using their experience of tactical simulators and submarine simulators.




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