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Indian Navy Interested in Acquiring Kalibr Cruise Missiles from Russia.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - India
Indian Navy Interested in Acquiring Kalibr Cruise Missiles from Russia
India`s Defense Ministry may order Kalibr anti-snip/land-attack missiles (NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) from Russia, according to a source in the Russian defense industry.
India`s Defense Ministry may order Kalibr anti-snip/land-attack missiles (NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) from Russia, according to a source in the Russian defense industry.
The Buyan-M Corvette "Uglich" launches a 3M-54 Kalibr anti-ship missile during maneuvers in the Caspian Sea.
"India has already revealed its interest in the acquisition of the Kalibr missiles. However, the relevant contract has yet to be signed," the source said. He added that New Delhi might acquire 3M-14E land-attack missiles in both surface-based (Russian acronym: NK, Nadvodniy Korabl) and submarine-based (Russian acronym: PL, Podvodnaya Lodka) configurations. "It should be noted that the export modification of the 3M-14 missile features shortened range in order to prevent the violations of the international missile export-limiting documents," the source pointed out.

The Kalibr family of subsonic cruise missiles includes 3M-54 anti-ship (ASM) and 3M-14 land-attack missiles, as well as PT91 anti-submarine warfare (ASW) torpedoes. The export variants of the aforementioned munitions are designated 3M-54E, 3M-14E, and PT91E, respectively [E stands for Export-Oriented, Eksportny].
Our video on Kalibr family at IMDS exposition in Russia
According to the open sources, the Almaz-Antey Concern [the developer and manufacturer of the Kalibr missiles - TASS] offers two modifications of the Kalibr ASMs to potential foreign customers, namely, 3M-54E and 3M-54E1. The 3M-54E anti-ship missile has a length of 8.22 m, a diameter of 533 mm, a full weight of 2,300 kg, a warhead of 200 kg, a firing range of 220 km, a cruise speed of Mach 0.8, a speed near target of Mach 2.9, and a trajectory of 10-20 m. The 3M-54E1 ASM has a length of 6.2 m, a diameter of 533 mm, a full weight of 1,800 kg, a warhead of 400 kg, a firing range of 300 km, a cruise speed of Mach 0.8, and a trajectory of 20 m.

The 3M-14E land-attack missile has a length of 6.2 m, a diameter of 533 mm, a full weight of 1,770 kg, a warhead of 450 kg, a firing range of 300 km, a cruise speed of Mach 0.8, and a trajectory of 20-150 m.

The PT91E ASW torpedo has a length of 7.65 m, a diameter of 533 mm, a full weight of 2,100 kg, a firing range of 50 km, and a speed of Mach 2.5.

The PT91E2 ASW torpedo has a length of 6.2 m, a diameter of 533 mm, a full weight of 1,200 kg, a firing range of 40 km, and a speed of Mach 2.

According to Russian and several foreign analysts, the Kalibr land-attack and anti-ship missiles are among the most effective cruise missiles in the world.

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