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Italian Navy FREMM Carabiniere returns from 6 months operational deployment.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - Italy
Italian Navy FREMM Carabiniere returns from 6 months operational deployment
The Italian FREMM Carabiniere has just concluded a six month deployment at sea off the Horn of Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean. The ship was employed on Operation ATALANTA (current counter-piracy military operation; the first undertaken by the European Union Naval Force), where she acted as flagship for five months.
The Italian FREMM Carabiniere has just concluded a six month deployment at sea off the Horn of Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean. The ship was employed on Operation ATALANTA (current counter-piracy military operation; the first undertaken by the European Union Naval Force), where she acted as flagship for five months.
Italian Navy FREMM Carabiniere at DIMDEX 2016
Carabiniere is the fourth FREMM ship that OCCAR has delivered to the Italian Navy. During the mission, the crew of 145 was supplemented by International Staff, a core of divers, a Force Protection team of the Italian Navy Brigade San Marco and a group of pilots, operators and technical specialists for helicopter operations, taking the total on board close to 200 people.

The ship performed nearly 4000 engine hours and covered more than 34000 miles and, during the deployment, conducted several joint operations; demonstrating high flexibility, excellent performances and full compliance with the Italian Navy requirements, during the guarantee period. In this regard, the frigate marked a number of firsts in terms of military cooperation and multinational training activities, including the first landings of Harbin Z9-C (Chinese) and C-SH 60 (Spanish) helicopters.

In addition to anti-piracy activities, Carabiniere also conducted important support and welfare activities for certain disadvantaged sections of the population in Madagascar, Tanzania and Somalia.

Following the completion of her mission, the ship participated in DIMDEX 2016 (Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition), where she has been an “ambassador” of the excellence in shipbuilding and the advanced industrial technology of defence systems.
Italian Navy FREMM Carabiniere at DIMDEX 2016
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