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Pella Shipyard in Northwest Russia Floats Out Two Project 03160 Raptor Patrol Boats.

| 2016
Naval Industry News - Russia
Pella Shipyard in Northwest Russia Floats Out Two Project 03160 Raptor Patrol Boats
The Pella Shipyard in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia has floated out two Project 03160 Raptor-class high-speed patrol boats designed for the Russian Navy, Defense Ministry spokesman for the Navy Captain 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said.
raptor Project 03160 Pella Shipyard RussiaThe Pella Shipyard in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia has floated out two Project 03160 Raptor-class high-speed patrol boats designed for the Russian Navy. Picture: Pella Shipyard
"The Project 03160 Raptor-class patrol boat is a coastal vessel designed to accomplish tasks both in the daytime and at night. It can transport a unit of no less than 20 marines to the assigned area and land them onto the coast or any other facility," Dygalo said.

"The Project 03160 boat can be used to patrol water areas, intercept small surface targets and carry out search and rescue operations," he added.
Russian TV report on the Raptor & Pella Shipyard
The boat can operate in coastal sea areas, straits and river outlets during the ice-free navigation period both in the daytime and at night 100 miles away from the home station.

The boat’s crew totals three. The boat is armed with a combat module comprising a 14.5mm machinegun, a gyro-stabilized electro-optical module and a fire control system. It can detect targets in the countermeasures environment, calculate their trajectory and adjust fire allowing for external factors.

The boat’s target acquisition range is three kilometers (1.9 miles). The Project 03160 Raptor-class patrol boat is also equipped with two 6P41 7.62mm Pecheneg machineguns.

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