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Russian Navy receives 47 Kalibr cruise missiles, 72 surface-to-air missiles in earlier 2016.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - Russia
Russian Navy receives 47 Kalibr cruise missiles, 72 surface-to-air missiles in earlier 2016
The Russian Navy has taken delivery of almost 50 Kalibr (NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) cruise missiles, 72 surface-to-air missiles and a Gamma-S1M radar during the first six months of the year, Russian Armed Forces Chief of Armament Anatoly Gulyayev said on the Common Military Equipment Acceptance Day.
The Russian Navy has taken delivery of almost 50 Kalibr (NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) cruise missiles, 72 surface-to-air missiles and a Gamma-S1M radar during the first six months of the year, Russian Armed Forces Chief of Armament Anatoly Gulyayev said on the Common Military Equipment Acceptance Day.
The Buyan-M Corvette "Uglich" launches a 3M-54 Kalibr anti-ship missile during maneuvers in the Caspian Sea.
"The Navy has accepted the Project 11356 (Admiral Grigorovich-class) Admiral Essen escort ship, a Gamma-S1M radar, 72 surface-to-air missiles and 47 sea-launched Kalibr missiles," he said.

Alexei Suglobov, commander of the 128th Surface Ship Brigade, Baltic Fleet, said the second Project 11356 frigate, the Admiral Essen, which had been commissioned by the Navy on June 7, passed all of its trials with the Baltic and Northern fleets.
Our video on Kalibr family at IMDS exposition in Russia
"The comprehensive tests covered the armament and military equipment of the ship as a whole in the realistic maritime environment. The outcome of the tests proved the compliance of her performance with the requirements specification," Suglobov summed up. At present, the ship is at the Baltic Naval Base, gearing up for a cruise to her home station in Sevastopol.

Last year, Kalibr missiles were used as part of Russian operation against the Russia-banned Islamic State terrorist group in Syria. The missiles were fired by the Rostov-on-Don submarine from the Mediterranean and by Caspian Flotilla ships as well.

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