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Video: Belgian Frigate Léopold I (Karel Doorman-class) Testing Seasparrow Missiles and Main Gun.

| 2016
Naval Forces News - Belgium
Video: Belgian Frigate Léopold I (Karel Doorman-class) Testing Seasparrow Missiles and Main Gun
From 6 to 16 June, Belgian Navy frigate Leopold I took part in two multinational exercises near Andenes in Northern Norway, beyond the Arctic Circle. Both exercises were intended to test both anti-surface and anti-ship missiles defensive techniques. During one of the exercises, the frigate launched a RIM-7 Seasparrow surface to air missile.
From 6 to 16 June, Belgian Navy frigate Leopold I took part in two multinational exercises near Andenes in Northern Norway, beyond the Arctic Circle. Both exercises were intended to test both anti-surface and anti-ship missiles defensive techniques. During one of the exercises, the frigate launched a RIM-7 Seasparrow surface to air missile.
Leopold I Frigate launches a RIM-7 Seasparrow surface to air missile
(Picture: Belgian Navy)
Eleven ships from seven NATO nations (Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Turkey) first participated in an exercise comprising a series of scientific tests. These tests were used to calculate the radar and infrared signature of the ship. This will prove usefull to better protect vessels against attacks of modern missiles. During these tests, the frigate was also able to assess the effectiveness of its softkill solutions (Chaffs, decoy against incoming missiles, ...).

During the second week of deployment, the Leopold I took part in the shooting exercise "Mjoelner Operation". In this fictional scenario, the United Nations appealed to NATO to enforce an arms embargo against a fictional country. For this major exercise, four NATO countries (Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands and Norway) implemented nine ships (seven frigates and two patrol vessels).

On this occasion, the Leopold I used its weapons against air and surface threats. In total, during this exercise, the various countries involved fired three Harpoon anti-ship missiles, four standard missiles (SM-2) and twelve missiles Seasparrow surface to air missile. This exercise was of unprecedented magnitude in European waters.
The Belgian Navy Frigate Leopold I (F930) is a Karel Doorman class frigate. Prior to March 2007, the ship was known as the HNLMS Karel Doorman (F827). It is one of the two frigates of this class that was purchased by Belgium from the Netherlands in December 2005.

In 2011, the frigate was upgraded: New means of detection have been added such as the Seastar and Gatekeeper sensor systems by Thales. Seastar is a non-rotating active phased array radar for naval surface surveillance. Gatekeeper is a 360° panoramic electro-optical surveillance and alerter system based on IR/TV technology.

Late last year, Leopold I
was part of the French Navy Charles de Gaulle task force (TF 50) deployed against the Daech.

Frigates of this class displace 2,800 tonnes and measure 122 meters long. They can reach a maximum speed of 30 knots. They are equipped with 8 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 16 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles launched from VLS tubes, torpedoes for anti-submarine warfare. Their main gun is a 76mm by Oto Melara. Vessel of the class also have a Thales Goalkeeper Close-in Weapon System .
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