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Pacific Fleet’s 1st 2 Project 636.3 SSK "Mozhaisk" & "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" to be Laid in July.

| 2017
Naval Forces News - Russia
Pacific Fleet’s 1st 2 Project 636.3 SSK "Mozhaisk" & "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" to be Laid in July
The Admiralty Wharves Shipyard in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia has offered to lay down the first two Project 636.3 (NATO reporting name: Improved Kilo-class) diesel-electric submarines designed for the Pacific Fleet simultaneously, Shipyard CEO Alexander Buzakov said.
Belgian Navy Polux OPV P901 Russian Submarine 2Russia's new Project 636.3 (Varshavyanka) diesel-electric submarine (SSK) "B-261 Novorossiysk" transiting in Belgium's EEZ. File Picture: Belgian Navy
The ceremony of laying down the submarines will be timed to Navy Day that will be celebrated on July 30 this year, he added.

"The Admiralty Wharves Shipyard has offered the Navy’s command to lay down the first two Project 636.3 submarines for the Pacific Fleet at a time. The ceremony will be timed to Navy Day," the CEO said.

The submarines will be named Mozhaisk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky respectively, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said in an interview with the Red Star daily. Korolyov reminded of the 2016 completion of updating the submarine force of the Black Sea Fleet that took delivery of six cutting-edge Project 636.3 hunter-killers. A similar series for the Pacific Fleet is due now.

The United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) will contribute to the financing of the ongoing construction of six Project 636.3 diesel-electric submarines for the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet to keep the ball rolling. The company later will be compensated by means of the interest rate, USC President Alexei Rakhmanov has told journalists.

"Nothing will be delayed. We committed by signing the contract. Now, we are receiving less financing than stipulated by the construction schedule, which is of crucial importance. The Defense Ministry and we have decided that we will be able to carry on building the submarines, pay for it out of pocket and be compensated for this by means of the interest rate. We shall remain on schedule," he said.

Earlier today, Admiralty Wharfs Director General Alexander Buzakov has said the construction of the six submarines for the Pacific Fleet will slip behind schedule.

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