Russia Hopes for Project 20385 Corvette Gremyashchy to be Delivered in 2018
The guided missile Gremyashchy corvette of project 20385 is likely to be handed over to the Russian Navy in 2018, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said during a visit to the Severnaya verf (Northern Shipyard).
"Gremyaschy", the first Project 20385 corvette being built for the Russian Navy was launched at the Severnaya Verf Shipyard (Northern Shipyard) in St. Petersburg on June 30, 2017. Picture by Curious / via bmpd
"In 2018 we hope to receive the first corvette Gremyashchy of project 20385 out of four warships of the class built by the shipyard," he said.
The Defense Ministry also expects to get the first serial combat logistics ship Vsevolod Borisov of project 23120 next year.
The Gremyashchy is the first corvette of project 20385 built after modernization of the basic project 20380. The Northern Shipyard is building the second warship of the series - the Provorny.
The multirole corvettes were designed by the Almaz Bureau to detect and destroy adversary submarines and surface warships, ensure landing operations and various missions in the close sea zone. The warship has a hangar for Ka-27 helicopter. The displacement is 2.2 thousand tons, the range of navigation is 3.5 thousand miles and autonomous navigation is 15 days. The corvettes are armed with universal Kalibr missile complex, the Redut antiaircraft complex, and the Paket antisubmarine warfare complex.