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Exclusive: Taiwan Develops Advanced Kamikaze Boats Amid Rising Tensions with China.

Following potential Chinese aggression, Taiwan has developed new locally made state-of-the-art kamikaze boats. These unmanned vessels, inspired by the success of similar technologies on the battlefields of Ukraine, represent a significant advancement in the country's military capabilities.
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Taiwanese CITIC Shipbuilding unveiled its unmanned naval platform on June 2, 2024. (Picture source: Liberty Times)

During a ceremony that was held on June 2, 2024, Taiwanese Vice President Xiao Meiqin oversaw the delivery and christening of the Coast Guard's latest ship. CITIC Shipbuilding showcased a new unmanned water test platform, revealing a cutting-edge boat with a fully loaded displacement of less than 20 tons. This versatile vessel is poised to revolutionize naval operations with its advanced features.

The 'universal test platform' stands out with its key specifications: a total length of 16.5 meters, a width and height of 3.8 meters, and a draft of approximately 1 meter. The vessel's top speed exceeds 30 knots (55.56 km/h), and it can cover a range of over 300 miles (555.6 km) with a fuel capacity of 1,300 liters. What's remarkable is its ability to navigate autonomously, even without GPS or communication equipment, thanks to its advanced onboard computer systems. Its potential military applications range from mine clearance and minesweeping to suicide missions.

CITIC Shipbuilding personnel emphasized the boat's autonomous sailing capabilities and its multi-purpose design, catering to various operational needs. This development marks a significant step forward in Taiwan's strategic defense initiatives.

China's military is also making significant strides in the development of unmanned surface and underwater vehicles. The 'Kuaiqi Project,' led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a notable example. It aims to create a remote-controlled suicide attack speedboat equipped with a gunpowder warhead, designed for surprise attacks on enemy ships along coastlines, thereby enhancing China's asymmetric warfare capabilities. The project's operational evaluation is expected to conclude by the end of 2025, with mass production planned for 2026.

Additionally, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is advancing the "Huilong Project," focusing on developing an underwater unmanned vehicle, currently undergoing various testing phases.

These developments underscore the growing trend of incorporating unmanned technologies in modern military strategies, with Taiwan and China both making significant strides in this domain. The unveiling of Taiwan's kamikaze boats signals a new era in maritime defense, reflecting the escalating geopolitical tensions in the region.

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