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Navantia advocates for S-80 Plus-class submarine integration into Polish Navy.

According to information published by ZBiAM on May 10, 2024, Navantia held the inaugural edition of its Industry Day at the Naval Academy in Gdynia, Poland.
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S-80 Plus class submarine Isaac Peral. (Picture source: Navantia)

During the conference, Alfonso Valea, Navantia's Commercial Director for Poland, discussed the company’s structure and its approach to technology transfer and partnership strategies. The focus of the day was on strengthening alliances with local suppliers to develop efficient supply chains for maritime projects.

Navantia expressed its intent to deepen ties with the Polish industry, exploring the local capabilities and potential collaborative opportunities in upcoming maritime programs. The event also featured discussions on Navantia's role in specific projects, like the Orka program, which involves building S-80 type submarines for the Spanish Navy.

Representatives from international defense companies such as Babcock International Group and Lockheed Martin also participated. Their involvement pertains to their roles in supplying equipment and systems for the S-80 submarines—Babcock with torpedo launch tubes and Lockheed Martin with sonar systems.

Orka program

The Orka program is an initiative by the Polish Navy to upgrade its aging submarine fleet, which currently relies on the outdated Kilo-class submarine, ORP Orzeł. Launched in 2014, the program aims to procure new submarines with advanced capabilities to enhance Poland's maritime defense.

Key features required for the new submarines include the ability to launch cruise missiles, deploy special forces, and perform intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Additionally, the submarines are expected to have high stealth capabilities and Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) systems, allowing for extended underwater operations​.

Several international defense companies have shown interest in the Orka program. For instance, South Korea's Hanwha Ocean has proposed the KSS-III Batch II submarine, which includes vertical launch systems for cruise missiles and other advanced features.

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