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New photos reveal Chinese Type 055 destroyer under construction in Dalian.

According to information published by China Defense on September 6, 2024, recent photos from Dalian have provided a closer look at the ongoing construction of a new Type 055 destroyer.
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New Chinese Type 055 destroyer at Dalian naval shipyard. (Picture source: @_p2p)

In terms of design, the Type 055 employs stealth features to reduce its radar cross-section, which is crucial for modern naval warfare. Its flared hull and enclosed superstructure reduce the infrared and electromagnetic signatures, giving it a lower profile against enemy sensors. The ship also features a continuous deck structure amidships, adding internal volume for systems and reducing radar reflections.

The destroyer is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, including a dual-band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system. The S-band Type 346B Dragon Eye radar, mounted on the superstructure, has enhanced sensitivity and can detect stealthy targets. This radar, along with other advanced systems, allows the Type 055 to function as a command ship within a naval battlegroup, coordinating complex operations.

Armament-wise, the ship boasts 112 vertical launch system (VLS) cells, which can accommodate a wide variety of missiles, from long-range surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) to anti-ship and land-attack cruise missiles. These capabilities provide a multi-mission platform that can conduct air defense, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and strike operations. Additionally, some reports suggest that future versions of the Type 055 may carry hypersonic anti-ship missiles.

China has built at least 10 Type 055s by 2024, with more in various stages of construction. Both the Jiangnan and Dalian shipyards are involved in this effort, with recent launches indicating that production remains on track. These destroyers are primarily assigned to the PLAN’s North and South Sea Fleets, enhancing China's strategic footprint in the East and South China Seas​.

The PLAN is also planning future developments for the Type 055, including the rumored 055B variant, which is expected to feature even more advanced technologies. These may include integrated electric propulsion systems and futuristic weapons such as electromagnetic railguns and directed energy weapons. The 055B is projected to have an increased displacement to accommodate these upgrades, with some reports suggesting it will carry up to 128 VLS cells​.

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