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Polish frigate ORP Gen. K. Pulaski participates in multinational Northern Coasts 2024 naval drill.
According to information published by the Polish Armed Forces on September 17, 2024, the Polish missile frigate ORP Gen. K. Pułaski, part of the 3rd Flotilla of Ships, is currently participating in the multinational naval exercise Northern Coasts 2024 (NoCo-24), organized by the German Navy. The exercise takes place in the western part of the Baltic Sea and in the Denmark Strait, and brings together naval forces from different countries.
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Polish Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate ORP Gen. K. Pulaski. (Picture source: German Navy)
ORP Gen. K. Pułaski’s crew has assumed command of one of the task groups in the exercise. Their mission involves conducting defensive operations alongside Lithuanian and German vessels, with a focus on countering submarines, aircraft, and surface threats. Additionally, the group will engage in mine warfare, including clearing pathways through minefields.
About the naval exercise
Initiated by the German Navy in 2007, the exercise has grown to become a significant fixture in the calendars of many NATO members and partner countries.
Throughout the years, Northern Coasts has seen the involvement of numerous ships from different countries. For instance, the German frigate FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has frequently participated, serving as a flagship in several iterations of the exercise. The Swedish corvette HSwMS Visby, known for its stealth capabilities, has also been a regular participant, showcasing Sweden's advanced naval technology. From Denmark, the HDMS Absalon, a flexible support ship, has joined the exercise.
Participants engage in complex tasks such as anti-submarine warfare, where ships like the Polish submarine ORP Orzeł play a crucial role in testing the anti-submarine capabilities of surface vessels. Mine countermeasure operations are conducted to ensure safe passage in waters that could be contaminated with naval mines, with ships like the Finnish mine-layer FNS Uusimaa contributing their expertise.
Air defense is another critical component of Northern Coasts. Naval ships coordinate with air units to protect against aerial threats, and this coordination is exemplified by the integration of assets like the Dutch air-defense frigate HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën. Amphibious operations are also a focus, with marines and naval infantry from various countries practicing beach landings and coastal assaults, often supported by vessels such as the United States' dock landing ship USS Oak Hill.
In recent developments up to 2023, Northern Coasts has adapted to emerging security challenges by incorporating elements of cyber and electronic warfare into its scenarios.