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Turkish Navy LHD TCG Anadolu takes part in NATO exercise with Italy and Spain.

According to information published by NATO on October 25, 2024, the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) has commenced mine countermeasure operations in preparation for the NATO-led NEPTUNE STRIKE exercises. Participating in these operations are NATO vessels TCG Akcakoca, ROS Vice Admiral Constantin Balescu, ITS Alghero, and ESPS Tajo, tasked with escorting the Turkish landing helicopter dock (LHD) TCG Anadolu in its preparations for amphibious operations.
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Turkish Navy's Landing Helicopter Dock TCG Anadolu. (Picture source: NATO)

The SNMCMG2 task force includes specialized mine countermeasure (MCM) vessels, each equipped to detect and neutralize underwater threats to ensure safe passage for larger vessels. This readiness is crucial for enabling TCG Anadolu, Turkey’s flagship LHD, to lead amphibious maneuvers during NEPTUNE STRIKE without the threat of underwater explosives. As part of the exercise, the MCM vessels are conducting systematic sweeps of the designated maritime zones, ensuring a clear path for the amphibious assault forces that will follow.

The composition of the SNMCMG2 task force underscores NATO’s commitment to an interoperable, ready maritime force. Each of the ships brings specific capabilities to the exercise: TCG Akcakoca, a Turkish minehunter, utilizes advanced sonar and mine-disposal equipment; Romania’s ROS VADM Constantin Balescu, an experienced MCM platform, provides additional sonar and dive support; the Italian Navy’s ITS Alghero, also specializing in mine warfare, brings valuable expertise from the Mediterranean; and ESPS Tajo, a Spanish minesweeper, enhances the task force with cutting-edge unmanned mine countermeasure systems. Together, these vessels enable a layered defense strategy that maximizes the effectiveness of NATO's MCM capabilities.

TCG Anadolu, the largest warship in the Turkish fleet, is central to the amphibious phase of NEPTUNE STRIKE. As a multipurpose amphibious assault ship, it can deploy a variety of assets, including helicopters, amphibious vehicles, and troops, to project force onto hostile or contested shores. During the NEPTUNE STRIKE exercise, TCG Anadolu will spearhead simulated amphibious landings, with SNMCMG2’s MCM efforts ensuring the safety and maneuverability of the assault.

Commissioned in April 2023, this 231-meter-long ship has a displacement of 27,436 tons and was constructed by Turkey’s Sedef Shipyard in collaboration with Spain's Navantia. It is based on the Spanish Juan Carlos I LHD design, tailored to meet Turkish operational needs. Equipped with a flight deck of six landing spots and a ski-jump ramp, Anadolu can launch a mix of aircraft, including drones, helicopters, and potentially short-takeoff and landing fighter jets.

A standout feature of TCG Anadolu is its capability to operate as a "drone carrier" due to Turkey’s shift away from F-35 aircraft. Instead, the Anadolu is designed to deploy unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) such as Bayraktar TB3s and the Kızılelma, marking it as the first naval vessel to emphasize drone deployment. The ship also accommodates 12 helicopters, amphibious landing craft, and can carry 94 military vehicles, including tanks and amphibious assault vehicles.

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