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SEA’s Modular Launcher Helps Latin American Navies Future-Proof Against Submarine Threats.

According to a PR published by SEA on January 22, 2025, SEA’s advanced triple trainable Torpedo Launcher System (TLS) has been selected for integration into the Peruvian Navy’s upcoming fleet of frigates, based on Hyundai Heavy Industries’ (HHI) HDF-3200 design. This development is part of a multi-million-pound modernization program aimed at enhancing Peru’s naval capabilities, particularly in anti-submarine warfare (ASW).
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Artist rendering of the future Peruvian Navy's frigates. (Picture source: Kongsberg)

The selection of the SEA TLS reflects the Peruvian Navy’s focus on equipping its new frigates with advanced, adaptable systems to address a broad spectrum of maritime threats. The HDF-3200 frigate design, which features a displacement of approximately 3,200 tons, is a highly versatile platform optimized for multi-role operations. By incorporating SEA’s modular, weapon-agnostic launcher, the Peruvian Navy ensures that its frigates will be equipped with a proven, flexible, and future-ready ASW system.

The SEA TLS’s adaptability is a significant factor in its selection. As a weapon-agnostic system, it can deploy a wide range of NATO-standard lightweight torpedoes, including the US Mk44, Mk46, and Mk54; the UK Sting Ray; the Italian A244S; the French MU90; and South Korea’s Blue Shark.

The modular design of the TLS is well-suited to the HDF-3200 frigates, which emphasize multi-role capability and modular mission configurations. The TLS can be seamlessly integrated into the frigates' hull design or deployed as part of containerized mission modules, a feature that allows the vessels to adapt to changing mission profiles. This adaptability extends the system’s operational relevance over the frigates’ lifecycle.

The SEA TLS is designed for rapid-reaction scenarios, a critical requirement in modern ASW operations. Its trainable launcher allows for precise targeting in dynamic situations, ensuring swift and accurate engagement of underwater threats such as submarines and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). When paired with the HDF-3200’s advanced sonar systems, the TLS will provide a comprehensive and highly responsive ASW capability.

Given Peru’s maritime challenges, including the need to safeguard its extensive coastline, critical offshore resources, and vast exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the integration of a robust ASW system like the SEA TLS is a strategic necessity. Submarine activity, particularly from regional actors and non-state entities, poses a significant threat to maritime security in the region. The addition of the TLS ensures the Peruvian Navy is prepared to counter these threats effectively.

The integration of the SEA TLS into the HDF-3200 frigates represents a significant milestone in the modernization of the Peruvian Navy. These frigates will be among the most advanced surface combatants in the region, equipped with state-of-the-art systems for air defense, surface warfare, and ASW.

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