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Kalashnikov creates new anti-drone gun

ZALA AERO Company of Kalashnikov Concern created REX-1 electronic gun against light drones. The new REX-2 option was presented at Army-2019 forum. It is the smallest in the world gun to fight drones, Rostec said.

Kalashnikov creates new anti drone gun REX2.2
REX-2 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Small drones can pose major threats. In 2018 a swarm of drones attacked the Russian Humaymim airbase in Syria. Some were downed by Pantsir and others neutralized by electronic warfare.

Modern air defense is not always effective against drones as it does not have the necessary reaction speed. It is difficult for modern reconnaissance means to detect small drones. Specialized weapons are necessary. Russian defense enterprises stake on electromagnetic jammers to detect, identify and destroy drones.

REX was designed by experts who create drones and know their specifics. ZALA AERO has been a leading Russian designer and producer of drones since 2004. At present Russia operates over a thousand ZALA drones.

ZALA AERO presented the first REX-1 gun at Army-2017 forum. It is used by state agencies and enjoys a good reputation. ZALA AERO began to design a compact option. REX-2 was displayed at Army-2019 and has the same characteristics as the predecessor except for the exterior. It is lighter and smaller and based on a pistol framework which makes it easier to carry and use it.

Small weight and size are the main REX-2 advantages. The first option weighs 4 kg and the new one is 3 kg.

REX can fight any drone, including multicopters over land and water. REX resembles a gun. It jams radio and satellite navigation signals which control the drones. The unmanned aerial vehicle loses communications with the remote control and smoothly lands without any damage.

The new light and smaller gun option has three jamming modules of 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and satellite navigation systems. They jam US GPS, Russian GLONASS, Chinese BeiDou and European Galileo. They also block GSM, 3G, LTE signals.

The gun has replaceable modules against various targets. The modular scheme allows arming the gun for specific missions. Simple pictograms on the modules help assemble the gun. The "quadcopter" jams control channels and information transmission, the "satellite" jams navigation systems, the "antenna" blocks Wi-Fi and the "telephone" - mobile communications. The frequencies can be tuned according to customer requirements. A dash camera, a stroboscope, a laser and sight are optionally offered.

REX can be engaged in various situations and fight makeshift explosives detonated by a cellphone signal. It is possible to block communications and wait for military engineers to check a suspicious object.

REX-2 has passed laboratory trials to measure the electromagnetic field and was recognized as a safe device, Rostec said.

Kalashnikov creates new anti drone gun REX1.2
REX-1 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

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