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Israel could face Scud & Fateh-110 missiles threats from Hezbollah amid escalating conflict with Gaza.

| 2023

If hostilities between the Israeli army and the HAMAS military group intensify following military actions coming from Lebanon, through Hezbollah which is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group supported by Iran, Israel could face significant missile threats. Hezbollah is armed with Fatheh-110 and Scud ballistic missiles donated by Iran.
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Lebanese Hezbollah released footage of exercises showing the Scud tactical ballistic missile launcher. (Picture source Video Footage Social Network)

According to unofficial sources, Hezbollah has acquired a certain quantity of ballistic missiles like the Scud or the Fateh-110, which were supplied by Iran. These missiles have the potential to cause significant damage and escalate the conflict further. The presence of such missiles in Hezbollah's arsenal could change the dynamics of any military confrontation with Israel, making the situation more volatile.

The presence of ballistic missiles like the Scud or the Fateh-110 in the arsenals of groups like Hezbollah poses a significant threat to Israel and the broader region. These missile systems can be used to target key infrastructures, military bases, and population areas, leading to potential large-scale destruction and loss of lives. Their range and payload capabilities mean that they can strike deep into Israeli territory, causing strategic and psychological impacts.

The recent invasion of Israel by Hamas members from Gaza on October 7, 2023, had devastating consequences. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared intentions to fight Hamas in response to the surprise attacks by the Palestinian militant group. This has resulted in a significant number of casualties on both sides. Thousands of Hamas targets have been hit in aerial bombing campaigns by Israel. However, these strikes have also affected Palestinian residential areas, leading to the death of hundreds of civilians.

The conflict has escalated to the point where Hamas has warned of executing Israeli civilian captives in retaliation for the aerial bombardment. The war has already claimed at least 1,600 lives, with gun battles occurring in the streets of Israeli towns and neighborhoods in Gaza being reduced to rubble. The situation has become dire, with Israel ordering a 'complete siege' of Gaza, cutting off essential supplies to the 2.3 million Palestinians residing there.

The international community has expressed concern over the escalating violence, with humanitarian organizations warning of potential war crimes due to the collective punishment and blockade of Gaza.

In summary, the involvement of Hezbollah and its potential missile threat, combined with the devastating impact of the Gaza war, has created a highly volatile situation in the Middle East, with far-reaching implications for regional stability and international relations.

Israel could face Scud Fateh 110 missile threats from Hezbollah amid escalating conflict with Gaza 925 003
The Fateh-110 is an Iranian-made surface-to-surface tactical missile. (Picture source Chuck Pfarrer)

The Fateh-110 is an Iranian-made short-range ballistic missile. It boasts solid-fuel propulsion, which allows for a quicker launch compared to liquid-fueled missiles. This makes it a more mobile and flexible weapon, harder to detect before launch. (Source Graphic Chuck Pfarrer)

The Fateh-110 missile has a range of approximately 300 kilometers and is capable of carrying a 500-kilogram warhead. Its relatively high accuracy, combined with its range, makes it a formidable weapon against key infrastructure and military targets. Over the years, Iran has made several upgrades to the Fateh-110, enhancing its accuracy, range, and lethality.

Israel could face Scud Fateh 110 missile threats from Hezbollah amid escalating conflict with Gaza 925 002
The Scud is a series of Russian-made tactical ballistic missiles. (Picture source Chuck

The Scud missile is a series of tactical ballistic missiles developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It has been exported to many countries and has seen use in various conflicts around the world. The Scud comes in several variants, with ranges from 300 to 700 kilometers, depending on the model. They are liquid-fueled, which means they require a longer preparation time before launch compared to solid-fueled missiles.

The Scud missiles can carry various types of warheads, including high explosives, chemical, and even nuclear payloads. While they are generally less accurate than newer missile systems, their potential to carry weapons of mass destruction makes them a significant threat.

Both the Fateh-110 and Scud missiles bring considerable strategic capabilities to their operators. Their ability to strike deep into enemy territory and target crucial assets makes them a central concern in the dynamics of Middle Eastern conflicts.

Defense News October 2023

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