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IDEX 2023: Discover Cockerill i-X first military vehicle using stealth and IA technologies.

| 2023

Discover at IDEX 2023, the Cockerill i-X, the first fast attack military vehicle integrating stealth and IA (Intelligence Artificial) technologies fully designed and developed by the Belgian-based company John Cockerill Defense. Visit John Cockerill Defense at IDEX 2023 Hall 12 Stand B14.

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Discover at IDEX 2023 the Belgian Cockerill i-X the first combat vehicle in the world using stealth and IA (Intelligence Artificial) technologies. (Picture source JCD)

The Cockerill i-X represents the future of combat vehicles in terms of firepower, mobility, and protection. The vehicle is capable of moving at very high speeds on-road and off-road (with a thermal or hybrid thermal-electric drive train), light, stealthy (appearance management with adaptive camouflage, and modification of IR and acoustic signature), integrating multi-sensor data fusion technology (Smart Helmet, on-board intelligence AI, cameras, sensors: LWS, Acoustic Gunshot detection and localization) and capable of integrating a suite of effective weapons (such as 25mm, 30mm, missiles, rockets,…) depending on the threat to be neutralized, as well as to foresee the integration of a new generation of effectors.

The Cockerill i-X is fitted with a remote weapon station that can be armed with different weapons including one 25mm or 30mm automatic cannon as well as anti-tank weapons. In the road position, the turret can be stored inside the vehicle and raised on the roof to conduct firing positions. The turret has a traverse of 360° with an elevation from -10° to +60°. In fact, the weapon station can be used to engage land and aerial targets.

Thanks to the use of wheeled chassis that was developed especially for the Dakar race. The vehicle can be powered by a thermal engine developing 750 hp or an 800 hp hybrid thermal-electric engine. It can reach a maximum road speed of 200 km/h and 160 km/h in desert conditions with a maximum cruising range of 600 km.

The ballistic protection of the vehicle can reach the Level 2 STANAG 4569 against the firing of small arms 7.62mm API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) caliber while the mine protection is Level 3 to withstand an explosive blast of 8 kg TNT under the wheels and the floor of the vehicle.

The Cockerill i-X features unique onboard fully digitized Man-Machine Interface sighting and observation systems including a cockpit screen allowing the driver to pull up all necessary information, while the commander has a high-resolution screen providing the images captured by the French company Safran Electronics & Defense and the sight of the turret. The Man-Machine Interface of the Cockerill i-X Interceptor is based on the Cockerill ® Smart Helmet, which is worn by the operator, and features an intelligent multimodal engine allowing the management of information of the weapon system and interactions that, will be visual, auditory, and vocal.

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