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Russian aviation performed 33 combat sorties last 24 hours to make strikes against ISIS in Syria 41910151

Defence & Security News - The conflict in Syria
Russian aviation performed 33 combat sorties last 24 hours to make strikes against ISIS in Syria
In the course of the last 24 hours, aircraft of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have continued making pinpoint strikes against ISIS infrastructural facilities. Russian aviation performed 33 combat sorties from the Hmeymim airbase engaging 49 ISIS facilities in the Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Lattakia and Hama provinces.
In the course of the last 24 hours, aircraft of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have continued making pinpoint strikes against ISIS infrastructural facilities. Russian aviation performed 33 combat sorties from the Hmeymim airbase engaging 49 ISIS facilities in the Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Lattakia and Hama provinces.Su-25 aircrafts from the Khmeimim airfield in Syria 
During the last 24 hours, the strikes of the Russian aviation resulted in elimination of the following targets:

2 command centres of illegal armed groups;
3 depots with ammunition and armament;
2 underground bunkers;
32 firing positions in mountain-woody areas;
9 fortified firing positions of illegal armed groups;
a workshop used for production of launching ramps and rocket projectiles.
During an air reconnaissance mission near Al-Ess (Idlib province), Russian UAVs uncovered a command centre of one of the Jabhat al-Nusra units.

After additional reconnaissance check through other channels, a Su-24 bomber made an airstrike against the object. The hit of an air bomb resulted in destruction of the command centre and 2 trucks equipped with AA artillery systems ZU-23 near it.

Near Jubb al-Zarus (Hama province), a Su-34 bomber made an airstrike with guided bombs on underground shelters with a branched network of exits in different parts of the inhabited area. The direct hits of air bombs destroyed the complex of underground terrorist facilities.

Near Djdayda settlement (Aleppo province), Su-25 attack aircraft eliminated a workshop used for production of self-made rockets. The equipped facility manufactured single-use launching ramps and rockets for distant fire at Syrian Armed Forces’ positions and inhabited areas. The direct hit of an air bomb resulted in detonation of explosives and destruction of the whole facility.

Near Duwayr al-Akrad (Lattakia province), a pair of Su-25 attack aircraft made two successive strikes with high-explosive bombs on a large ISIS training camp detected by means of Russian reconnaissance. The strikes caused complete destruction of the camp and all the training facilities.

Precision strikes of the Russian combat aviation in the Damascus province have crucially changed the operational situation in this region.

The ISIS militants suffering a severe lack of ammunition are leaving their positions in large numbers.

Last night, reconnaissance means registered retreating of several large detachments, about 100-man-strong each, in direction of Marj al-Sultan.

After combat task performance, all the Russian aircraft have returned to the Hmeymim airbase.

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