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Indonesian Marines sea exercise with BTR-4M amphibious armored

Indonesian Marine Corps performs sea training exercise using Ukrainian-made BTR-4M 8x8 amphibious armoured vehicle. According the first experience of Indonesian Marines, the BTR-4M is the perfect response to the needs of the Indonesian Marine Corps offering reliability, multi-purpose capability and ease of use.

Indonesian Marines sea military exercise with Ukrainian made BTR 4M 8x8 amphibious armored vehicle 925 001
Indonesian Marines use BTR-4M 8x8 amphibious armoured vehicle during sea military training exercise in Indonesia. (Source photo Ukroboronprom)

During this military training exercise, Indonesian Marines with the collaboration of BTR-4M manufacturer KharkivMorozov Machine Building Design Bureau and the supplier Company SFTE "SpetsTechnoExport", have received a dedicated training to improve the use of the BTR-4M during amphibious combat operations.

The BTR-4M was also tested during firing exercise using the 30mm automatic cannon ZTM-1 and the 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun.

In the beginning of 2017, the BTR-4M have successfully passed trial tests in Indonesia, traveling dozens of kilometers in the mountainous regions in the country.

The delivery of the first 5 BTR-4M vehicles to Indonesia was completed within the framework of a contract, signed in 2014 between the SE SFTE Spetstechnoexport and the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia. According internet sources, Indonesian Marine Corps has ordered 55 BTR-4M with BAU 23×2 weapon station. The BAU 23x2 includes two 23mm automatic guns with 400 rounds and one 7.62mm machine gun with 2,000 rounds.

The BTR-4M is an improved version of the BTR-4 motorized with a Deutz engine and fitted with an amphibious kit which able the vehicle to be used for sea operations. The BTR-4 is an 8x8 armoured vehicle personnel carrier designed in Ukraine by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau.

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