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Su-30 Flanker-C Sukhoi

Sukhoi SU-30 SU-30M fighter aircraft
Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry

The Sukhoi Su-30 SU-30M (NATO code Flanker-C) is a twin-engine fighter aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation. It is a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.The Su-30M is equipped with a two seat cockpit with an airbrake behind the canopy. The Su-30M is a multirole fighter capable of accomplishing a wide variety of combat missions at significant distances from the home base, in any weather conditions and during radar jamming, both by day and night. The Su-30 first flew on a test flight in 1989 and was introduced in the Russian Air Force in 1996.


- Su-30MK: Commercial version of the basic SU-30
- Su-30MKI: A variant of the Sukhoi Su-30, it is a heavy, all-weather, long-range fighter.
- Su-30MKK: is a modification of the Su-27 SK manufactured since 1999 by KnAAPO and Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. It is considered an upgraded version of Sukhoi Su-30.
- Su-30MKM: Malaysian version
- Su-30MKV: Venezuela version
- Su-30MK2: with upgraded electronics that enabled support for anti-ship missiles.
- Su-30MK2V: Su-30MK2 variant for Vietnam with minor modifications
- Su-30MKA: A specialised version for Algeria is similar to the MKI, but will principally be equipped with French and Russian avionics. It will feature head-up and multifunction displays from the Thales Group and Sagem of France.
- Su-30SM: A specialized version of the thrust-vectoring Su-30MKI for Russian military

Technical Data
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SU30M has a two seat cockpit. This two-engine fighter is fitted with canards to increase lifting effectiveness and enhance maneuverability of the aircraft.
Su-30M has more accurate navigation system, a TV command guidance system, a guidance system for anti-radiation missiles, a larger monochrome TV display system in rear cockpit for ASM guidance, and ability to carry one or two pods, typically for laser designation or ARM guidance in association with Pastel RWR and APK-9 datalink. Western avionics, guidance pods and weapons can be fitted optionally. Sextant Avionique package for Indian aircraft indudes VEH3000 or Bop HUD, Totem or Sigma 9SN/MF INS/GPS and liquid-crystal multifunction displays.
The SU-30M power plant incorporates two Saturn AL-31F afterburning low-bypass turbofan engines. Two AL-31F turbofans, each rated at 12,500 kgf (123 kN, 27,550 lb) of full afterburning thrust ensures Mach 2 in level flight, 1,350 km/h speed at low altitude, and a 230 m/s climbing rate. SU-30 multi-role fighter can fly at the maximum speed of Mach 2.0 (2,120 km/h) and has a service ceiling of 17,300 m (56,800 ft). The combat range of the aircraft on internal fuel is 3,000km. With a single in-flight refuelling procedure the combat range is extended to 5,200km.
One 30 mm GSh-301 gun, with 150 rounds; 12 external stations for more than 8,000 kg (17,635 lb) of stores, including AB-500, KAB-500KR and KAB- 1500KR bombs; B-8M-1 (20x80 mm) and B-13L (5v130 mm) rocket packs; 250 mm S-25 rockets; up to six R-27ER (AA-10C 'Alamo-C), R-27ET (AA-10D 'Alamo- D') or RW-AE (R-77; AA-12 'Adder1) medium-range AAMs; or two R-27ETS and six R-73E (AA-11 'Archer1) IR homing dose-range AAMs; and a variety of air-to-surface weapons such as four ARMs, six guided bombs or short-range missiles with TV homing, six laser homing short-range missiles, or two long-range missiles with TV command guidance; these indude Kh-29L/T (AS-14 ' Kedge'), Kh-31A/P (AS-17 ' Krypton') and D-9M (probably Kh-59M; AS-18 ' Kazoo') with APK-9 pod or single Raduga 3M80E supersonic anti-ship missile.
The SU-30 integrated electronic warfare system includes a Tarang radar warning system, indigenously produced by the Indian Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO), and systems supplied by Israeli manufacturers. The SU-30 is equipped with a flight refuelling probe and a buddy-buddy refuelling system.
Multi-role fighrter aircraft
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two DTRD-AL31-F2, 2x12,500 kg
Maximum speed: 2,125 km/h
3,000 km maximum
33,000 kg
TV command guidance system, a guidance system for anti-radiation missiles, a larger monochrome TV display system in rear cockpit for ASM guidance
Length: 21.9 m; Wingspan: 14.7 m; Height: 6.35 m
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Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry
Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry
Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry
Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry
Su-30 Su-30M Sukhoi fighter aircraft technical data sheet specifications intelligence description information identification pictures photos images video Russia Russian Air Force aviation air defence industry
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