Radar |
The 1S32 Pat Hand radar typically acquires the target at about 120 to 130 km and, when it is within 80 to 90 km, tracking can begin. The 1S32 Pat Hand combined a cluster of four antennas, the largest of which was a monopulse narrow beam target track antenna, to the left of which was the monopulse wide angle missile track antenna. Missile capture and command uplink antennas are mounted above the pair. An 9Sh33 optical tracker, identical to the 2K12 / SA-6 Gainful design, was later added. The `Pat Hand' can handle two missiles per target in order to increase kill probability. It has a maximum range of 128 km.
Design and protection |
The 1S32 Pat Hand consists of a tracked armoured chassis GM-123 on top of which is mounted the radar system. The driver is seated at the front of the vehicle, on the left and has a single hatch cover in front of which are two periscope. The vehicle is motorized with a Model V-59 V-12 water-cooled diesel engine developing 520 hp. The 1S32 Pat Hand vehicle can run at a maximum speed of 35 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 780 km.
Mobility |
The 2.44 m diameter `Pat Hand' radar is mounted on essentially the same chassis as the `Ganef' launcher with the whole assembly collapsed flat and a grille raised in front of the radar for road transit. The torsion bar suspension consists of seven dual rubber-tyre road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear, and four track-return rollers. Hydraulic shock absorbers are provided for the first and last road wheel stations. The vehicle has an air filtration and overpressure NBC system and an IR night vision system for the commander and driver but no amphibious capability.
Specifications |
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H-band radar
Country users
Armenia, Azerbaqijan, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.
Designer Country
3 - 5
Range radar detection
128 km maximum
Altitude radar detection
? km maximum a
Speed vehicle
35 km/h
Range vehicle
780 km
Length: 7.5 m; Width: 3.2 m; Height: ? m