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M1114 HMMWV Up-Armored Humvee armament carrier
M1114 up-armored HMMWV Humvee armour kit technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images video information US Army United States American AM General defence industry military technology
The M1114 HMMWVis an armored version of the Humvee family vehicle. The concept of the vehicle began in 1995 after a series of ballistic tests. The M1114 was designed and manufactured by the American Company AM General. The M1114 HMMWV was designed to conduct reconnaissance and security operations as its primary function. This vehicle was to be organic in the U.S. Army to the scout platoons of the armored, infantry, and mechanized infantry battalions. M1114 HMMWV-mounted scouts would enhance the capability of scout platoons to provide accurate and timely information about the enemy and the area of operations. The M1114 is crrently used by the U.S. Army forces in Afghanistan and has been used in Iraq.
Technical Data
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The M1114 can be fitted with a wide range of weapon systems on the roof with ring mount station armed with 7.62mm or M2 .50 caliber machine guns or a MK 19 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Some variants of the vehicle were armed with M134 6-barreled minigun or GAU-19/A 3-barreled Gatling gun.
Design and protection
The M1114 armor protection includes of welded aluminum, composite and steel. Up-Armored HMMWV (UAH) kit, FRAG (Fragmentary Armor Kits) kits 1, 1a, 2, and 5, as well as a GPK(Gunner Protection Kit) or MCTAGS (Marine Corps Transparent Armor Gun Shield ) for the gunner’s protection. This up-armored package provides the occupants with ballistics protection through a full 360º, in addition to overhead and underbody blast protection. The M1114 HMMWV weighed about 900 kg more than the standard HMMWV and included 900 kg steel-plated doors, steel plating under the cab and several layers of bonded, ballistic-resistant glass to replace zip-up plastic windows. The forward-underside of the vehicle could withstand a blast from a 5.5 kg mine while the rear of the vehicle could withstand up to a 2 kg mine blast
The M1114 is motorized with a 6.5 liTurbo Diesel engine developing 190hp coupled to a 4-speed automatic transmission, maximum input torque rating of 451 lb.-ft (612 N•m), electronically controlled. The M1114 can climb 40% slopes and traverse a side slope of up to 30% fully loaded.
The M1114 HMMWV could also be fitted with countermine/counter-IED devices such as the Self-Protection Adaptive Roller Kit and the Rhino passive anti-IED device. The M1114 is air transportable by military transport aircraft C-130, C-141 and C-5. A spare wheel is mounted at the rear of the vehicle.
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One 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine or 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.
Country user
United States and other countries in the world.
Designer Country
United States
Run-Flat tires, air-conditioning, waterproof dual batteries.
Troop seating
1 + 3
Armour protection against firing of 7.62 mm caliber, shell splinters and mine blast 5.5 kg under wheels
5,489 kg
90 km/h maximum speed on road
443 km
Length, 5.00 m; Width, 2.55 m; Height, 1.93 m
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M1114 up-armored HMMWV Humvee armour kit technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images video information US Army United States American AM General defence industry military technology
M1114 up-armored HMMWV Humvee armour kit technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images video information US Army United States American AM General defence industry military technology
M1114 up-armored HMMWV Humvee armour kit technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images video information US Army United States American AM General defence industry military technology M1114 up-armored HMMWV Humvee armour kit technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images video information US Army United States American AM General defence industry military technology
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