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Three former Gaddafi regime armed trucks was destroyed by British Air Force aircraft in Libya 1510111.

| 2011
World Air Force News - United Kingdom
Three former Gaddafi regime armed trucks was destroyed by British Air Force aircraft in Libya.
British Royal Navy ships and Royal Air Force aircraft have continued operations this week to help safeguard the Libyan people as part of NATO's Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR. October 13, 2011, afternoon, an armed reconnaissance patrol of RAF Tornado GR4s was alerted by another NATO surveillance platform to the presence of three former Gaddafi regime armed trucks hidden beneath trees to the east of Bani Walid.
British Royal Navy ships and Royal Air Force aircraft have continued operations this week to help safeguard the Libyan people as part of NATO's Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR. October 13, 2011, afternoon, an armed reconnaissance patrol of RAF Tornado GR4s was alerted by another NATO surveillance platform to the presence of three former Gaddafi regime armed trucks hidden beneath trees to the east of Bani Walid
A Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 aircraft lands at Gioia del Colle air base in southern Italy having expended its entire payload of Brimstone missiles and Paveway IV bombs
[Picture: Corporal Babs Robinson, Crown Copyright/British MOD 2011]

The vehicles were successfully engaged by British Aor Force aircraft, using Paveway guided bombs, and destroyed.

On October 12, 2011, British Royal air Force RAF aircraft formed part of NATO's continuous armed reconnaissance presence over the disputed cities of Sirte and Bani Walid.

During the course of the afternoon they succeeded in identifying a pick-up truck, armed with an anti-aircraft artillery piece, in use by Colonel Gaddafi's remaining troops in Bani Walid. A Brimstone missile, launched from a Tornado GR4, scored a direct hit on the vehicle and left it ablaze.

Three hours later, a similar patrol over Sirte was tasked to engage a second such armed vehicle which a NATO surveillance asset had spotted. Once again, a direct hit from a Brimstone missile destroyed the vehicle outright.

In the early hours of Monday morning, two formations of RAF Tornado GR4s mounted a strike on a missile depot still held by Colonel Gaddafi's forces near Bani Walid. Our aircraft dropped seven Paveway laser and GPS guided bombs, scoring direct hits which inflicted very severe damage on the facility.

At sea, HMS Bangor is currently conducting maritime security patrols off Misurata, helping maintain confidence in the safe movement of merchant vessels to and from Libya's ports as the new authorities work hard at restoring normal commercial operations.

With her advanced minehunting equipment, Bangor is very well suited to identifying and neutralising any legacy threats from Colonel Gaddafi's regime, such as the abandoned mine and torpedo which she located and destroyed on the seabed off Tobruk earlier this month.

UK missions over Libya are undertaken as part of NATO's Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 and protect Libyan civilians at risk of attack.

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