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Dinamika designs Mi-26 simulator on dynamic platform.

| 2019

Dinamika Company created the first Russian simulator of Mi-26 helicopter on a dynamic platform and completed acceptance trials, the company said.

Dinamika designs Mi 26 simulator on dynamic platform Russian Air Force Mil Mi-26 (Picture source: Alex Beltyukov)

"Mi-26 simulator on a moving platform was created on orders of the Defense Ministry by an R&D launched to introduce prospective training technologies for pilots. The dynamic simulator allows training a whole set of missions with a higher degree of authenticity than a fixed simulator can offer. The missions include taxying, takeoff and landing day and night in conditions of visible taxiways, airstrip and landmarks, manual and automatic piloting by devices and visually," it said.

The dynamic system makes the crew feel acceleration of a real flight. Mi-26 simulator is unique due to the possibility to fly with suspended cargo which is more difficult than carrying the cargo inside the cabin, as pilots have to consider spatial movement of the cargo and its impact on helicopter dynamics. Dinamika for the first time designed the suspended cargo option in 2004 and upgraded it several times for various helicopter projects. The option is available on Mi-8MTV helicopter simulator in Avialesokharana training center in Pushkino, Mi-171 in Ostrava in the Czech Republic, Mi-17V-5 in Nicaragua, etc.

The visualization system generates territory images of 250x250 km and is a multichannel projection system with a spherical display and viewing angles of -50 to +30 degrees vertically and ±95° horizontally. The system produces real images of the surrounding space, including terrain relief, ground and air objects in various weather and any time of the day, as well as clouds, etc.

The workplace of the instructor is a unified module which ensures the training process. It provides a training scenario and uninterrupted video control of the actions and can change the training scenario. The registration and control system provides post-flight analysis and documents the results.

The simulator can operate within training centers and independently.

Acceptance trials of Mi-26 simulator were held by the Chkalov Center to confirm the technical and operational characteristics of the simulator. The trials recommended the simulator for batch production.

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