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Russia to export 17 Mi-8/171-family rotorcraft to Kazakhstan.

| 2019

Russia’s holding Russian Helicopters (a subsidiary of state corporation Rostec) and Kazakhstan’s companies Kazakhstan Engineering and No.405 Aviation Repair Plant (No.405 ARZ) have signed an agreement for the delivery of 17 stripped-down Mil Mi-8/17 (NATO reporting name: Hip) utility rotorcraft to be assembled in Kazakhstan, according to the press department of the Russian Helicopters.

Russia to export 17 Mi 8171 family rotorcraft to Kazakhstan The contract envisages the delivery of 17 stripped-down Mi-8AMT/Mi-171E helicopters to Kazakhstan (Picture source: Russian Helicopters)

Mi-8/17 military transport helicopters are among the most popular helicopters in their class. These helicopters were built incorporating a full-spectrum analysis of Russian helicopters' operation in combat situations and conflict zones. It is these helicopters’ universality and high flight capabilities that make them among the world's most popular Russian-made helicopters.

The latest Mi-8/17 military transport helicopter family includes the Mi-17V-5 (domestic designation Mi-8MTV-5) made at Kazan Helicopters and the Mi-171Sh (Mi-8AMTSh) made at Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

Mi-17V-5 (Mi-8MTV-5) and Mi-171Sh (Mi-8AMTSh) helicopters are designed for personnel transportation, and for carrying cargo internally or on the external sling. They can be used in search and rescue operations, and can also be equipped with weapons.

"The contract envisages the delivery of 17 stripped-down Mi-8AMT/Mi-171E helicopters to Kazakhstan. The kits will be produced by the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant [U-UAZ, a subsidiary of the Russian Helicopters] and assembled at the No.405 ARZ," said the spokesperson for the holding.

"Our cooperation will allow modernisation of Kazakhstan’s rotary-wing fleet and enhancement of the scientific-and-technical potential of local [Kazakh] enterprises," said Russian Helicopters CEO Andrey Boginskiy.

The additional Mi-8/17 helicopters will be re-fitted for transportation, emergency, forest protection, firefighting, medical evacuation, and special missions. "The use of No.405 ARZ’s experience and wide maintenance network will provide integral service support in the customer’s deployment areas," said the spokesperson for the Russian Helicopters, adding that the National Guard and the EMERCOM Committee of the Interior Ministry are the primary Kazakh customers for the Mi-8AMT utility helicopter.

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