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New Deployment Model of US Air Force with Activation of 12th Air Task Force.

On September 4, 2024, the 12th Air Task Force (ATF) was officially activated during a ceremony at Scott Air Force Base, marking a significant step in the U.S. Air Force's new deployment model. This event represents a strategic shift in how the Air Force prepares for global competition and conflict, with the establishment of a unit ready for action.
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Air Task Forces, whose creation was approved in 2022 by Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall, comprise a command element, an expeditionary staff, and specialized support teams. (Picture source: 12th Air Task Force)

Lieutenant General Randall Reed, Deputy Commander of Air Mobility Command, presided over the ceremony, passing the guidon to Colonel Gabriel Arrington, the new commander of the 12th Air Task Force. He will be joined by Chief Master Sergeant Chastity Hert, the unit’s Command Chief. Together, they will lead the task force in its mission of training, certifying, and deploying 2,500 airmen from various host units and major commands.

In his address, Lieutenant General Reed highlighted the challenges faced by the Air Force over the past two decades and emphasized the need to rethink deployment models. "The way we organized, trained, and deployed our forces to combat terrorism was efficient, but it was not suited for long-term global competition," he stated. Reed pointed out that the creation of the ATF signifies a strategic shift for the Air Force, allowing deployed units to train and work together before deployment, a practice not followed under the previous model.

This new deployment approach will enable units to prepare and execute missions together, thereby improving operational efficiency. Instead of sending individual units, often unfamiliar with each other, to operational theaters, ATF members will deploy after having already worked and trained together through the Air Force's force generation cycle. This change is designed to establish a sustainable deployment rhythm while ensuring forces are ready to meet the demands of future conflicts.

Colonel Arrington, the new commander of the 12th ATF, expressed his honor in leading the unit and acknowledged the dedication of the airmen involved. He stated that this new structure would enhance the efficiency of force preparation and deployment while increasing their capacity to carry out missions.

Air Task Forces, whose creation was approved in 2022 by Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall, comprise a command element, an expeditionary staff, and specialized support teams. These forces also include a combat air base squadron, mission generation elements, and mission sustainment teams. As part of the pilot program, five additional ATFs are scheduled to be activated across the United States in the coming months, further enhancing the Air Force's ability to address future strategic challenges.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Lieutenant General Reed expressed his confidence in the future of the 12th ATF, reaffirming the Air Force’s commitment to evolving airpower to remain ready to face and succeed in an increasingly competitive environment.

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