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Russia announces now using SU-57 as commisionned Jet under the Weapon Z name.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has presented the  stealth fighter jet SU-57 as part of the Weapon Z series, a new category of weapons linked to the conflicts in Ukraine. These weapons, sometimes referred to as "victory weapons,", or "Wunderwaffen" by anti Russian Partisan were announced alongside other systems now officially in service. These include new AI-equipped drones, the hypersonic glide vehicle Avangard, as well as Poseidon and Sarmat, both nuclear delivery systems, at last but not least the iconic Su-57, but is it a so iconic fighter Jet ?
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In air-to-air engagements, the Su-57 carries four beyond-visual-range missiles in its main bays and two short-range missiles in the side bays. (Picture source: Russian social media)

The SU-57 is a Russian multifunctional fifth-generation fighter aircraft designed to destroy all types of aerial, surface, and naval targets.

The main feature of the SU-57 is its combination of functions as a fighter jet and combat aircraft. It can utilize a wide range of guided and unguided weapons, including air-to-air missiles, guided air-to-surface missiles, and adjustable aerial bombs. The SU-57 is difficult for enemy radars to detect due to its electronic warfare capabilities, special aircraft shape, and the use of radio wave-absorbing and reflecting materials. To reduce radio visibility, part of the weaponry is housed in the aircraft's internal wings. These features prevent the enemy from obtaining information about the aircraft's position and speed.

The onboard equipment of the aircraft allows it to perform tasks autonomously and share real-time data with ground control systems and as part of an aviation group. This capability aligns with the western fleets' concept of a battle management system.

In summary, the SU-57 aims to be on par with the F-22, though specific details are scarce. This aircraft enjoys a significant fanbase and is the subject of many myths, being portrayed as a "miracle weapon." However, a reported strike may have destroyed one unit, potentially reducing the operational fleet to 25 units, which is generally insufficient for an effective fleet. The SU-57's stealth relies heavily on deflecting radar waves in different directions using angular and smooth structures. Yet, the aircraft is presented with additional external mounting points, significantly reducing its stealth capabilities.

We also know that the Sukhoi 57 has been used several times during operations in Ukraine to conduct long-distance bombings. However, it appears that its use has not been in areas under Ukrainian radar coverage.
Moreover,  we aren't sure that the developmnet of Su-57 will conitnue in time, Sukhoi's design office are working on the SU-75, which is predicted to be a failure due to a lack of investors.

official datasheet release we the announce of status in Service for the SU-57 (Picture source: Russian MoD)

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