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Ukraine's Su-24 Bomber Now Armed with Western SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow Missiles.

Ukraine has successfully adapted its Soviet-era Su-24 bomber to carry and launch Franco-British SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow air-to-surface cruise missiles. This adaptation, facilitated by recent military support from Western allies, gives Ukraine the ability to strike high-value targets deep within Russian-occupied territories. The integration of this powerful missile system into Ukraine’s air fleet significantly enhances its long-range strike capabilities, marking a critical development in its defense strategy against Russian aggression.
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A Ukrainian Su-24 bomber aircraft armed with two SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow cruise missiles, showcasing its newly integrated long-range strike capability with Western-supplied precision weapons. (Picture source: X Account French Aid to Ukraine)

The Su-24 is a Soviet-era, twin-engine, variable-sweep wing bomber aircraft designed for all-weather, low-level penetration strikes. Developed by Sukhoi in the late 1960s and introduced into service in the early 1970s, the Su-24 was intended to provide the Soviet Air Force with a deep strike platform capable of carrying a wide array of conventional and nuclear weapons. It became the backbone of the Soviet Union's tactical bomber fleet, comparable to the U.S. F-111, and saw significant upgrades over the years. Widely exported to allied nations, the Su-24 has remained in service in several countries, including Russia and Ukraine, with modernization efforts extending its operational lifespan and capabilities, even in the post-Soviet era.

The adaptation of Ukraine’s Su-24s to deploy the SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow missile is a notable achievement, as it allows the Ukrainian Air Force to strike enemy targets with high precision at extended ranges. The Su-24, originally a Soviet-designed, all-weather attack aircraft built for deep penetration missions, has been extensively modified by Ukrainian engineers to fire these advanced Western missiles. The modifications involved updating the avionics, fire control systems, and communication interfaces between the missile and the aircraft, ensuring full compatibility with the SCALP-EG’s guidance and targeting systems.

This successful integration marks the first time a non-NATO platform has been adapted to use this sophisticated missile, a testament to Ukraine’s ingenuity in modernizing its Soviet-era fleet with Western technology. The Su-24’s variable-sweep wing design and its ability to operate at low altitudes make it an ideal platform for launching SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow missiles, enabling Ukraine to carry out precision strikes on critical Russian military infrastructure while minimizing the risk of detection.

The SCALP-EG, also known as Storm Shadow in the UK, was delivered to Ukraine in mid-2023 as part of a broader package of military aid from France and the United Kingdom. These missiles were provided in response to Ukraine’s urgent requests for advanced weaponry capable of countering Russian long-range artillery and missile attacks. The delivery was a turning point, as it allowed Ukraine to bridge the gap in its long-range strike capabilities, giving it the tools to target Russian positions far beyond the front lines.

The SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow is a long-range, air-launched cruise missile designed for precision strikes, offering key advantages in range, accuracy, and stealth. Its extended range, exceeding 250 kilometers (and up to 560 kilometers in some variants), allows Ukrainian forces to hit deep targets within Russian-occupied territories without entering contested airspace. The missile is equipped with a 450 kg BROACH (Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge) warhead, a two-stage system that first penetrates hardened structures and then detonates inside, maximizing destruction against fortified targets such as bunkers, command centers, and ammunition depots.

Guided by a combination of GPS, inertial navigation, and terrain-following radar, the SCALP-EG ensures precise targeting, especially in the final phase of its flight, where it uses infrared sensors to compare the target with pre-loaded images. This ensures high accuracy even in heavily defended areas. Additionally, the missile's low radar cross-section gives it a stealthy profile, making it difficult to detect and intercept by enemy air defenses, which enhances its ability to penetrate contested airspace.

Together, these features—long range, significant destructive power, and pinpoint accuracy—make the SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow an effective tool for disrupting enemy operations, particularly by degrading logistical and command structures. This offers Ukraine a crucial strategic advantage in the ongoing conflict.

The ability to launch SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow missiles from Su-24 aircraft gives Ukraine a new level of operational flexibility. Prior to this development, Ukraine’s ability to strike at long-range was limited, but the integration of these missiles now allows the Ukrainian Air Force to conduct deep strikes into Russian-held territory without exposing its aircraft to significant risk.

With a range of over 250 kilometers, the SCALP-EG can reach critical Russian military installations, ammunition depots, and logistical hubs far behind the front lines. This allows Ukraine to disrupt supply lines, command centers, and infrastructure that are essential for sustaining Russian operations. The Su-24’s ability to deliver these strikes at low altitude, combined with the missile’s stealth characteristics, greatly increases the likelihood of successful missions.

Recent reports indicate that Ukrainian forces have already employed the SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow in several operations, targeting Russian logistics centers and ammunition depots with precision. The strikes not only degrade Russia’s operational capabilities but also force Russian forces to divert resources to defend rear-area positions that were previously out of Ukraine’s reach.

The integration of SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow missiles into Ukraine’s Su-24 aircraft marks a significant evolution in the nation’s military capabilities. This adaptation has transformed the Su-24 into a formidable long-range strike platform capable of hitting critical Russian targets with precision and stealth. As the conflict continues, Ukraine’s ability to carry out deep strikes against key Russian military assets will be crucial in shaping the course of the war.

With Western support and Ukraine’s innovative approach to integrating advanced technologies into its existing fleet, the Su-24 armed with SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow missiles represents a powerful tool in Ukraine’s fight to reclaim its territory and push back Russian forces. This new capability may well prove to be a game-changer as Ukraine continues to defend its sovereignty.

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