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Bundeswehr German army to get more than 100 Bn EUR budget increase.

| 2022

In a special session of the German Bundestag on February 27, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced higher investments in the Bundeswehr: "We must invest significantly more in the security of our country in order to protect our freedom and our democracy in this way."
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German Leopard 2A6 main battle tanks (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Russian President Putin's intentions go beyond the invasion of Ukraine: "Putin wants to build a Russian empire," warns Scholz. “We must therefore ask ourselves: what are the capabilities of Putin's Russia? And what skills do we need to counter this threat – today and in the future?”

The federal budget for 2022 is therefore to be provided with a one-off special fund of 100 billion euros. The funds will flow into necessary investments and armament projects of the Bundeswehr: better equipment, modern operational equipment, more personnel. In addition, the defense budget is now to amount to more than two percent of gross domestic product. Because, according to Scholz, "Without ifs and buts, we stand by our duty of assistance in NATO."

Unprecedented joint effort

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht also emphasized: "We need a well-equipped and powerful Bundeswehr - this is becoming dramatically clear in view of Putin's terrible war of aggression against Ukraine." This historic turning point would be countered with an unprecedented joint effort by the Bundeswehr. "The special fund of 100 billion euros will enable us to position the Bundeswehr strongly and, as a reliable and efficient alliance partner, to assume our appropriate role in the alliance. I dedicate myself to this task with all my strength.”

"We're also doing this for ourselves, for our own safety"

One of the most important projects for a modern army is the construction of the next generation of combat aircraft and tanks together with European partners - especially with France, Chancellor Scholz continued. The contracts for the euro drone were also signed this week. The acquisition of the armed Heron drone from Israel is also progressing. The Eurofighter is to be enabled for electronic warfare. A modern replacement for the outdated Tornado jets is being procured as part of nuclear sharing. The F-35 combat aircraft can be used as a carrier aircraft.

Germany is committed to its alliance partners

In addition to these far-reaching plans, the federal government decided yesterday that Germany will supply Ukraine with weapons to defend the country. 1,000 anti-tank handguns of the Panzerfaust 3 type and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles are said to come from Bundeswehr stocks. In addition, the Bundeswehr has already expanded its support for the eastern alliance partners in recent weeks. With 13,700 soldiers, it is currently a key contributor to NATO's rapid reaction force (NATO Response Force - NRFNATO Response Force). In Lithuania, the Bundeswehr has increased its contribution to around 900 men and women in the German-led Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup on the eastern flank.

The NATO mission Enhanced Air Policing South supports the security of the Romanian airspace with air force units of the alliance. There are currently six Bundeswehr Eurofighters in action. With additional ships in NATO formations, the German Navy helps secure the North and Baltic Seas and the Mediterranean.

The Bundeswehr is to support its NATO partners in Slovakia with company-strength infantry and the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, the German Defense Ministry concludes.


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