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Bosnia and Herzegovina develops Vihor New NATO Standard 4x4 Light Tactical Vehicle.

| 2023

The Vihor 4x4 light tactical vehicle was displayed at the Partner 2023 salon in Serbia. The vehicle is a product of collaboration between TRB (Tehnicki Remont Bratunac) and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska. It was presented with a ROWS M14 Modular Multi-Weapon Stabilized Remote Operated Weapon Station (ROWS).
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Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
The Vihor 4x4 light tactical vehicle was displayed at the Partner 2023 salon in Serbia. It was presented with a ROWS M14 Modular Multi-Weapon Stabilized Remote Operated Weapon Station (ROWS). (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Vihor 4x4 light tactical vehicle

The 4x4 Vihor is projected to weigh up to 8 tons and can carry a payload ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 tons. It is designed to accommodate a crew of either 2+2 or 2+3 members, housed in a separate ballistic-protected space. This space offers modular ballistic protection at level B6, STANAG 4569 levels 2 or possibly 3, and mine protection up to level 2b according to STANAG 4569. The crew space is accessible via four doors and includes a multi-purpose cargo area.

The vehicle features permanent 4-wheel drive and independent suspension for both the front and rear axles. It comes with Aluminum, forged wheels fitted with 365/80R20 tires that include run-flat inserts. Additionally, a central tire inflation control system enhances its off-road capabilities.

Powered by a 200 kW diesel engine, the 4x4 Vihor is coupled to a 6-speed automatic transmission and a two-speed transfer case, ensuring robust performance in various operational scenarios.

The Vihor is outfitted with 5 day/night cameras, GPS, a winch, and a fire suppression system for the engine compartment. It also includes gun ports, personal weapon brackets, specialized light and sound signalization, a traction signalization system, an anti-lock braking system, and a towing hook.

ROWS M14 Weapon Station

The vehicle comes equipped with a lightweight Modular Multi-weapon Stabilized Remote Operated Weapon Station (ROWS). This turret system can be fitted with a variety of machine guns, from 5.56mm to 13,7x99mm (NATO standard) or 22,7x108mm (Russian standard). Designed for multi-role tasks like surveillance, patrolling in urban environments, border security, counter-sniper, and asymmetric missions, the ROWS is a force multiplier.

The ROWS features a sophisticated Fire Control System (FCS) that includes a modular sighting system with a day TV camera and an optional cooled thermal camera for night vision. The laser range finder has a 7-km range, providing precise targeting capabilities. The system is computer-assisted and operated from a protected position inside the vehicle through a multi-function display and joystick. The gunner is assisted by a Fire Control Computer (FCC) with ballistic calculation capabilities as well as a video auto-tracker. The fully stabilized system offers unmatched observation and engagement capabilities, even in challenging conditions.

Moreover, the ROWS is designed to minimize power consumption, extending the vehicle's mission duration. When a weapon is replaced, the system automatically recognizes the new one and adjusts the firing computer's ballistic tables accordingly, offering seamless adaptability in the field.


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