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US Army to receive more than 70 M2A4 Bradley IFVs and the M7A4 Fire Support Team Vehicles.

| 2023

BAE Systems has secured a contract modification valued at over $190 million for the ongoing production of the Bradley A4. This contract encompasses the production of more than 70 M2A4 Infantry Fighting Vehicles along with the M7A4 Fire Support Team Vehicles.
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Bradley Fighting Vehicle of the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, firing its 25mm automatic gun in Poland, 18 August 2022 (Picture source: US DOD)

According to Dan Furber, the director of ground vehicle production at BAE Systems, the Bradley holds a pivotal role in the capabilities of the Armored Brigade Combat Teams. It serves the dual purpose of transporting troops to the battlefield while also delivering suppressive fire to counteract enemy forces and vehicles. Furber emphasized the necessity of upgrading the Bradley Fighting Vehicle to maintain its superiority on the battlefield in the years ahead.

This recent award builds upon the Early Order Material awards granted in both August and November of the preceding year, 2022. The ongoing enhancements from the M2A2 Operation Desert Storm – Situational Awareness (ODS-SA) variant to the A4 model align with the Army's strategy for modernizing combat vehicles, aimed at ensuring the readiness of the Armored Brigade Combat Teams.

The Bradley A4 boasts improved mobility through a higher engine horsepower, facilitating swift responsiveness during combat scenarios and adverse conditions. Key survivability enhancements have been implemented in the Fire Suppression and IED jammer components, reducing the probability of detection by enemy systems. Furthermore, the upgraded computing system heightens situational awareness for soldiers, while advancements in onboard diagnostic systems offer greater fault detection and isolation capabilities, thereby sustaining the effectiveness of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle during engagements.

The execution of this program is set to occur at the Red River Army Depot in Texarkana, Texas, as well as at various BAE Systems facilities located in Aiken, South Carolina; Anniston, Alabama; Minneapolis, Minnesota; San Jose, California; Sterling Heights, Michigan; and York, Pennsylvania.

Defense News August 2023

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