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HEMUS 2008 International Defence Equipment Exhibition Bulgaria
28 - 31 Mai 2008
HEMUS Exhibition History

Throughout the last fourteen years there is one forum in Bulgaria where the local and international defense industries meet to establish and perpetuate contacts in the name of the world security and protection.

The International Defense Equipment Exhibition HEMUS takes place every two years in the end of May under the direction of an Organizing Committee presided by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria. It is organized jointly by International Fair Plovdiv JSC and Foundation Hemus’95 on the territory of the fair village.


The official opening of Hemus 2006 was honored with the presence of representatives of the Presidency, the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Defense, the General Headquarters of the Bulgarian Army, the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Interior, the Bulgarian Academy of Science, many universities and so on.

The analysis of the previous editions shows number of positive effects such as signing of contracts for modernization of the Bulgarian armed forces, for joint production, for transfer of know-how, etc.


At Hemus 2006, representatives of 12 countries participated to the conference and 69 lectures were delivered, of which 10 by foreign researchers.
The HEMUS 2008

From 28 to 31 May 2008, the exhibition shall present its eighth edition. The interest in this event that has already become a tradition keeps growing. In 2006, 157 companies from 22 countries (90 foreign and 67 Bulgarian) took part. The exhibition was visited by 13 official delegations from Albania, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Korea, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary and France, and by representatives of different NATO structures. Among the visitors were also all military attachés in Bulgaria as well as many specialists and businessmen from the defense sector.

The main event organized in parallel with Hemus is the International Conference on Defense Research and Technology. It will celebrate its fourth edition in 2008. Witness of the great interest in this event is the participation of an extraordinary number of foreign scientists.

Another event that attracts a lot of interest is the shooting demonstration at the Central Artillery Technical Test Range. Beside the features of the range itself, there are demonstrated the latest achievements of companies which work in the field of light arms, artillery, antitank, air defense and missile armament.

The demonstration of gear and weapons of the “Soldier of the Future” is yet one more event that attracts visitors and exhibitors.

The Congress Center of the International Fair Plovdiv offers to participants and visitors to the exhibition excellent opportunities for presentation of companies and products, and for business contacts and meetings.

HEMUS 2008 Official Site

Visit the official site about the HEMUS 2008 to have more information ( Visitors, Exhibitors, etc ...)

Other Sources


Program HEMUS 2008 Back Menu
4th International Conference "Defence research and technology - High Technologies Against Terrorism" 29.05 - 31.05.2008
This conference offers opportunities to discuss and share experience and opinions about the latest issues related to research in the interest of defense, defense industry, integration of production and modernization and development of armament and combat equipment and their operational and technical compatibility.
Official opening: 29.05.2008; 10:00
Press conference - 29.05.2008; 14:00
Congress Center at the International Fair – Plovdiv
Shooting Demonstrations 29 May 2008
Demonstration shooting will take place at the Central Artillery Technical Test Range (CATTR) on 29.05.2008 from 17:30 to 19:20. The organizers provide transport to the range by bus, which departs at 15:00 on 29.05.2008 from the parking lot in front of Pavilion 12 of International Fair – Plovdiv.
Company presentations and seminars 29.05 - 31.05.2008
In the modern, well-equipped halls of the Congress Center of International Fair Plovdiv exhibitors and visitors to the International Exhibition “Hemus” are offered the possibility to present their products and latest design and research achievements and to conduct seminars, symposia and business meetings.
Daily News HEMUS 2008 Back Menu  
Industry News
HEMUS 2008 News
Update 31 May 2008
Update 31 May 2008

Daily News and Defence products presented at HEMUS 2008, 30 May 2008 from the team of Army Recognition Worldwide Land Forces Defence Magazine

Daily News and Defence products presented at HEMUS 2008, 30 May 2008 from the team of Army Recognition Worldwide Land Forces Defence Magazine

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Laste News
The International Defense Equipment Exhibition “HEMUS 2008” shall take place from 28 May to 31 May 2008 on the ground of the International Fair Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

After the official opening (11:00 AM on 28.05.2008), the Exhibition is open to specialists with invitations every day from 10 AM to 5 PM.

During the first two days, access to the exhibition shall be granted only to specialists, traders and businessmen. Other visitors are allowed during the following days.

For security reasons, persons below 16 years of age shall not be granted access to the exhibition. Carrying weapons within the exhibition is prohibited.

Online registration form

The International Defense Equipment Exhibition HEMUS 2006 31.05.2006 - 03.06.2006
Hemus is the old Thracian name of the Balkan Mountain, which unites the northern and southern parts of the country. This majestic mountain was the shelter of all warriors and rebels who fought against the oppressors. Uncountable are the heroes who defended to the death the freedom of our people and shed their blood within its bosom. This is the reason why in the historic memory and the art of the Bulgarian people the ancient Thracian name Hemus has become a symbol of eternity, freedom and strong spirit like the Balkan is standing eternally and proudly in the middle of the Bulgarian land.
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International defense equipment exhibition HEMUS 2004 26.05.2004 - 29.05.2004
The sixth edition of the International Defense Equipment Exhibition "HEMUS 2004" took place from 26 May to 29 May in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The exhibition was inaugurated by the Minister of Defense Mr. Nikolay Svinarov in presence of official foreign delegations, Members of the Parliament, Ministers, superior officers, diplomats and businessmen.

The national media published full coverage of the exhibition.
Final Report


Pictures HEMUS 2008 Back Menu  
HEMUS 2008 Defence Exhibition Services Asia , pictures gallery of HEMUS 2008 from 30 May 2008.
Hemus 2008 Pictures  
HEMUS 2008 Pictures  

Pictures gallery about the HEMUS 2008.
Pictures gallery HEMUS 2008
International Defence Equipment Exhibition Bulgaria
30 May 2008 pictures gallery from Army Recognition Worldwide Land Forces Defence Magazine

Pictures gallery about the HEMUS 2008.
Pictures gallery HEMUS 2008
International Defence Equipment Exhibition Bulgaria
30 May 2008 pictures gallery from Army Recognition Worldwide Land Forces Defence Magazine

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