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IDEAS 2008 Karachi, Pakistan
5 Th International
Defence Exhibition & Seminar
24 - 28 November 2008

IDEAS Pakistan General Information

The International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS), showcases a wide variety of technology, ranging from equipment used in the third world countries to the most sophisticated systems from the West. This exhibition provides a perfect interactive platform for the defence forces to assess the best products and technology to cater for their respective defence-related requirements. Besides, it also presents an ideal opportunity to the defence manufacturers for entering into collaboration and joint ventures with Pakistan or other prospective international partners.

Pakistan’s ever growing defence industry is in quest for seeking international alliances to meet the requirements of its armed forces and the growing needs of the regional defence forces, Pakistan’s own defence products present a perfect mix of indigenous and foreign technologies thus offering an ideal platform for defence collaboration.

The most volatile geopolitical region in Asia, has now become one of the largest markets for defence products. The changing international security milieu has brought governments and militaries closer together to share their ideas and plans to meet the requirements to maintain regional and global peace. To cope with the challenges in an economically affordable manner,
outsourcing, joint ventures and technological collaborations play a significant role.

The fluid geopolitical climate resulting from the rapid changes in the global security situation in recent years has forced many governments to take a fresh look at their national security mechanisms. In a bid to effectively meet the new challenges posed by the transformed regional and global security dynamics, many countries have started to make sizable budgetary allocations for modernization and upgrade programmes of their armed forces. At present, structural and technological improvements dominate the planning of most militaries and law enforcement agencies of the world.


The International Defence Exhibition and Seminar IDEAS 2008, showcases a wide variety of technology, ranging from equipment used in the third world countries to the most sophisticated systems from the West. This exhibition provides a perfect interactive platform for the defence forces to assess the best products and technology to cater for their respective defence-related requirements. Besides, it also presents an ideal opportunity to the defence manufacturers for entering into collaboration and joint ventures with Pakistan or other prospective international partners.

IDEAS 2008 Soft Launching held on 23 May 2008 at Prime
Minister Secretariat Auditorium
1. It is, indeed, a matter of great pleasure to see the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar more popularly known as ‘IDEAS’ going from strength to strength, in a short span of seven years. The exhibition has grown in scope and stature and I feel satisfied to see Pakistan’s achievements in this relatively new ground for us. The rendezvous or forum of IDEAS provides excellent opportunity to develop better understanding and friendship, networking of defence industry for trade and joint ventures, and more importantly seeking affordable solutions to prevent war through conventional balance. This was stated by Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan while acting as Chief Guest of the ceremony. The Prime Minister formally announced the soft launching of the IDEAS-2008 which will be held from 24-28 Nov 2008 at Karachi Expo Centre. The Prime Minister also distributed the IDEAS 2008 souvenirs among the participants.

2. The Secretary Ministry of Defence Production Major General (Retd) Shahid Siddique Tirmizi while addressing welcomed Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani and distinguished guest and said that first International Defence Exhibition and Seminar, better known as IDEAS, was held in the year 2000. That was an astounding success. Thereafter three exhibitions were held in the years 2002, 2004 and 2006, and each time there was a marked improvement from the previous one. This was made possible though the relentless efforts and sheer hard work at the Defence Export Promotion Organisation (DEPO). During all these years, a close patronage of the Government of Pakistan was available to the Armed Forces, Organizers and Managers of IDEAS that helped them to hold this biennial event successfully.

3. It is a matter of great honour and proud privilege for me to extend a very warm welcome to the Prime Minister and honourable guests from Pakistan representing various business groups and government departments, their Excellencies; Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Diplomats. I am extremely grateful to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, who has been very kind and generous in extending his patronage to DEPO and acceding to our request to grace the occasion of Soft Launching Ceremony of International Defence Exhibition and Seminar now internationally known by its acronym “IDEAS”, that will be held at Expo Centre Karachi from 24 November to 28 November 2008. On behalf of Defence Export Promotion Organisation, Ministry of Defence Production, this was stated by Director General DEPO Major General Muhammad Farooq while addressing the forum.

4. You will be pleased to know that IDEAS, a biennial mega event of international repute organized and supported by Pakistan Armed Forces, is attended by a large number of local and foreign exhibitors, high level foreign defence delegations, trade visitors, diplomats, defence, analysts and senior Pakistan Armed Forces officers. The presence of the Prime Minister of Pakistan as chief guest on the occasion has surely enhanced the prestige of the event that will focus on OEOs of own and multi-national companies, leading industrialists, diplomats, potential exhibitors, trade visitors, high level delegations and sponsors to encourage their participation in IDEAS – 2008.

5. The Popularity of IDEAS can be well imagined from the state that there is an increase of 250% in space booking and 225% in International Defence Delegations attendance. IDEAS, besides promoting image of Pakistan, show-cases the defence capability including defence products of Pakistan to the outside world. Silent preparations and promotional campaign for IDEAS – 2008 are already in full swing and being met with encouraging response form the foreign exhibitors. However, to give IDEAS – 2008 a momentous headstart and further leap, “Soft Launching” of this internationally renowned event was planned to be held in May 2008 at Islamabad.

6. The IDEAS Soft Launching was attended by Federal Ministers, Secretaries Services chiefs, Ambassadors, Diplomats, CEO of most of the exhibiting companies and CEO & TV channel, and print media.

IDEAS Pakistan 2008 Official Site

Visit the oficial site about the IDEAS Pakistan 2008 to have more information ( Visitors, Exhibitors, etc ...)

Other Sources


Program IDEAS 2008 Back Menu
DAY 1, Monday 24 November 2008

10:00 - 11:00

Not available on this time
DAY 2, Tuesday 25 November 2008

10:00 - 18:00

Not available on this time
DAY 3, Wednesday 26 November 2008

10:00 - 18:00

Not available on this time
DAY 4, Tursday 27 November 2008

10:00 - 18:00

Not available on this time
DAY 5, Friday 28 November 2008

10:00 - 18:00

Not available on this time


Daily News IDEAS 2008 Back Menu
Industry News
IDEAS 2008 News
Update 26 November 2008
Update 26 November 2008

Daily News and Show News IDEAS 2008.
from 25 November 2008

Daily News and Show News IDEAS 2008.
from the 25 November 2008

Show News IDEAS 2008 Back Menu
Positive response from all over the world will make IDEAS 2008 a grand event.
Preparations in full swing

Karachi, June 28: Preparations for 5th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar, IDEAS 2008, to be held from November 24 to November 28, 2008 at Karachi Expo Center have taken a head start. Major General Muhammad Farooq, Director General Defence Export Promotion Organization (DEPO), Ministry of Defence Production, while chairing the second steering committee meeting for IDEAS here today, stated, “from the overwhelming response of the foreign exhibitors for IDEAS 2008, one can gauge the popularity of this mega event. It is heartening to note that more than 92% space has already been booked.” He further stated that this surge in the response of foreign exhibitors can be attributed to the formal launch of IDEAS-2008 by the Prime Minister, Mr. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, during the “ Soft Launch of IDEAS-2008 ” at Islamabad on 23rd May 2008. That ceremony was attended by the Ambassadors / High Commissioners, Defence Attachés and elites of corporate sector. The DG DEPO urged upon the participants of the meeting to ensure that the IDEAS-2008 help create pleasant feelings and promote image of Pakistan as a responsible and well organized nation among the foreign delegates, exhibitors and trade visitors.

Pictures IDEAS 2008 Back Menu
IDEAS Pakistan 2008 International Defence Security Exhibition, Karachi, Pakistan.
Pictures gallery update 27 November 2008.
IDEAS 2008 Pictures
IDEAS 2008 Pictures

Pictures gallery IDEAS 2008.
Pictures IDEAS Pakistan 2008
International Defence Security Exhibition
from Army Recognition
Worldwide Land Forces Defense Magazine
from the 26 November 2008

Pictures gallery IDEAS 2008.
Pictures IDEAS Pakistan 2008
International Defence Security Exhibition
from Army Recognition
Worldwide Land Forces Defense Magazine
from the 26 November 2008





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