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IDEB 2010
International Defence Exhibition
, Slovakia
05 - 07 May 2010

About IDEB
IDEB 2010 General Information

About IDEB 2008

Held for the second time in Bratislava, IDEB 2008 has lived up to its expectations, confirming Bratislava's advantages in terms of its location and infrastructure, as well as those of Incheba's exhibition premises. The new polygon area has fully supported the demonstrations of the Slovak Armed Forces' equipment as well as the exhibitors' individual presentations. Similar to those of other Central European defence exhibitions, the results of IDEB 2008 rank this defence exhibition to the leading ones. IDEB 2008 has surpassed all 2006 statistics. The satisfaction levels of the participating exhibitors have reached a record high (90%). This was evidenced by visits and negotiations that continued well after the official end of the fair.

Participating countries
Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, USA

IDEB 2010

IDEB is an important International Defense Exhibition in Europe, Army Recognition Defense Magazine cover this event as the Official Online Show News Daily IDEB 2010.

IDEB 2010 is well justified insofar as it allows individual countries to show their defence industries’ technological advances, thus creating the conditions for gaining a wide spectrum of specialist information, which is essential to making decisive decisions with regard to modernisation and offset programmes. International cooperation in making joint purchases of diverse defence commodities and sharing specifications of individual types of military equipment are linked for the Slovak efficient provision of military capabilities and knowledge in the areas of our engagement abroad. In this regard, the Slovak Governement ensure that his servicemen and women are equipped with adequate military gear, and it's a priority to modernise the Slovakian army.

Defence industry, being an integral part of the existing industries, as well as other industry branches, have not been left untouched by the crisis. The European defence policy has pushed for more consolidation so as to create a unified European market and an integrated defence industry. Tendencies of this kind are an underlying feature of the so-called great political and economic partnership. This move culminated in the establishment of the European Defence Agency (EDA), with Slovakia being one of its member states.

To promote defence equipment and services exports and to improve the coordination, decision-making process and promotion there of abroad, the Economy Ministry, in cooperation with the Slovak Defence Industry Association and the Slovak Defence Ministry, has played a role in collecting and publishing the profiles of Slovakia's highly competitive defence industry products. The defence catalogue will be used by consular officers, foreign trade advisors and ministry clerks for forging potential cooperation links between the Slovak Defence Industry Association and foreign partners.

IDEB 2010 Official Site

Visit the official web site about the IDEB 2010 to have more information ( Visitors, Exhibitors, etc ...)

Other Sources
Program IDEB 2010 Back Menu
DAY 1, Wednesday 05 May 2010

10:00 - 18:00

Open only for professional people
DAY 3, Thursday 06 May 2010

10:00 - 18:00

Open for public

DAY 4, Friday 07 May 2010

10:00 - 16:00

Open for public
Show Daily News IDEB 2010 Back Menu
Industry News
IDEB 2010 News
Update 08 May 2010
Update 08 May 2010

IDEB 2010 International Defence Exhibition
Show Daily News Online
from the 06 May 2010

IDEB 2010 International Defence Exhibition
Show Daily News Online
from the 06 may 2010

IDEB 2010 News Back Menu

IDEB 2010 Online Show news daily by the team of Army Recognition magazine
As International Media Defense magazine, follow all the activities of IDEB 2010 with the Show News daily online and pictures by the team of Army Recognition.
Update 08 May 2010

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IDEB 2010 International Defence Exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia - Slovak Republic..
Pictures gallery IDEB 2010 from the 06 May 2010

Video IDEB 2010 International Defense Exhibition Slovakia
IDEB 2010 Pictures
IDEB 2010 Pictures

Pictures gallery IDEB 2010.
IDEB 2010 International Defence Exhibition
Bratislava, Slovakia from
Army Recognition team
From the 06 May 2010

Pictures gallery IDEB 2010.
IDEB 2010 International Defence Exhibition
Bratislava, Slovakia from
Army Recognition team
From the 06 May 2010

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