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Azerbaijan and Ukraine signed an action plan on bilateral military cooperation 1411121.

| 2012

Defense News - Azerbaijan / Ukraine

Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 01:03 PM
Azerbaijan and Ukraine signed an action plan on bilateral military cooperation.
Azerbaijan and Ukraine on Monday, November 12, 2012, signed an action plan on bilateral military cooperation for 2013. According to a statement from Azerbaijan's defense ministry, the document was signed by Ukrainian Defense Minister Dmitry Salamatin and his Azeri counterpart Safar Abiyev in Baku after broad discussions in the presence of the Ukrainian delegation.

The meeting discussed the development of bilateral relations in various fields. The Azeri defense minister emphasized that cooperation with Ukraine in military and military-industrial sector has increased over the recent years.

The two sides also exchanged views on the military and political situation in the region. Salamatin met with the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Monday. Aliyev expressed his confidence that Salamatin's visit to Azerbaijan will give renewed impetus to the military ties between the two countries.

Earlier in March this year, Azeri media said Ukrainian enterprises were interested in creating new tanks on the basis of old Soviet combat vehicles. The Ukrainians put forward several proposals for joint projects with Azerbaijan on producing ordnance for combat vehicles and upgrading engines and transmission.

In January 2011, Azerbaijan showed interest in the Oplot main battle tank. The Defense Ministry of Ukraine has long been holding negotiations on this issue. Ukraine exports over 220 tanks to Azerbaijan in 20 years.

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