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Dynamic demonstration 17th Wielkopolska Mechanised Brigade Polish Army at MSPO 2012 0308127.

| 2012
Online Show Daily News
MSPO 2012
International Defence Industry Exhibition

3 - 6 September 2012
Kielce, Poland
MSPO 2012 Press Release
Friday, August 3, 2012, 04:24 PM
Dynamic demonstration 17th Wielkopolska Mechanised Brigade Polish Army at MSPO 2012.
The Inspectorate of Support for the Armed Forces in conjunction with the Land Forces organise the Exhibition of the Polish Armed Forces which is a part of the 20th, jubilee edition of the International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce. The first day of the event will encompass the demonstration of the 17th Wielkopolska Mechanised Brigade presenting the operational tactics of a platoon in an ambush.
The Inspectorate of Support for the Armed Forces in conjunction with the Land Forces organise the Exhibition of the Polish Armed Forces which is a part of the 20th, jubilee edition of the International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce. The first day of the event will encompass the demonstration of the 17th Wielkopolska Mechanised Brigade presenting the operational tactics of a platoon in an ambush.
Polish Army live demonstration at MSPO 2011 International Defence Industry Exhibition
in Kielce, Poland.


During the last twenty years the MSPO has gained the international recognition and has become a meeting place for the business insiders from the military and defence sector; for entrepreneurs, representatives of scientific milieus, journalists as well as soldiers. The Kielce exhibition creates a perfect chance to become familiar with the latest trends in armaments, equipment and military gear as well as to exchange ideas and experiences.

The Exhibition of the Polish Armed Forces has become an indispensable element of the MSPO Exhibition. It is the showcase for the cutting-edge equipment and accessories and the presentation place of transformed image of Polish armed forces. On 3rd September the MSPO guests will have the chance to take part in a dynamic show; the display of Polish soldiers’ abilities which make them efficient and effective even in the most arduous conditions of a batter field.

This year’s Polish Armed Forces Exhibition is held under the banner of “A soldier of today and of tomorrow”. The presentation organisers are the Inspectorate of Support for the Armed Forces in conjunction with the Land Forces. Those who visit the Targi Kielce’s exhibition will have the chance to become familiar with the state of the art equipment and armaments (UiSW) all types of Polish Military Forces have been equipped with.

The Land Forces’ stationary exhibition will encompass the armament and equipment used by Land Forces sub-departments. The logistics troops will display selected elements of logistic gear used in the operation fields as well as in laboratories and didactic centres. The exhibition will also comprise a presentation of Research and Implementation Institutes which operate within the framework of the Inspectorate of Support for the Armed Forces. The specialists representing the Research and Implementation Institute for Uniforms will show the latest trends in uniforms and equipment used by individual soldiers in Poland, while the Military Research and Implementation Centre for Food experts will present the methods of testing and certifying foodstuffs and related equipment produced for the Polish Armed Forces.


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