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China and Russia eager to expand their military and nuclear cooperation 2008131.

| 2013

Defence & Security News - China / Russia

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 03:49 PM
China and Russia eager to expand their military and nuclear cooperation.
The Chinese government is eager to expand its military and nuclear relationship with its Russian counterparts, a Chinese official said Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang met in the northeast Chinese city of Harbin with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Rogozin. The vice premier said the meeting complements March commitments made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to expand bilateral strategic relations.
The Chinese government is eager to expand its military and nuclear relationship with its Russian counterparts, a Chinese official said Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang met in the northeast Chinese city of Harbin with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Rogozin. The vice premier said the meeting complements March commitments made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to expand bilateral strategic relations
DF-31A nuclear missiles of the Chinese army Second Artillery Force participated in military parade in Beijing.


Wang said China was willing to work with the Russians on the nuclear sector and joint research on long-range jets and heavy-duty helicopters, China's official Xinhua News Agency reports.

Chinese and Russian militaries concluded joint military operations dubbed Peace Mission 2013 last week. The exercises, launched July 27, included a three-phase troop deployment, battle planning and simulated combat operations.

The Russian courtship follows meetings Monday between Chinese Minister for National Defense Chang Wanquan and U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Washington.

The Chinese general said he was in the United States to advocate a "win-win" scenario for the bilateral relationship of two of the world's most powerful nations.

"Our goal is to build trust between our militaries through cooperation," Hagel said in a statement Monday.

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