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IDEAS 2016: China's CH-5 MALE UCAV makes first foreign appearance.

| 2016
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Army Recognition
Online Show Daily News & Web TV
IDEAS 2016
9th International Defence Exhibition & Seminar

22 to 25 November 2016
Karachi , Pakistan
CASC at IDEAS 2016
IDEAS 2016: China's CH-5 MALE UCAV makes first foreign appearance
Unveild two weeks ago during at the 2016 edition of Airshow China in Zhuhai, the CH-5 medium-altitude long-endurance UAV system is showcased for the first time outside of China. The CH-5, designed and produced by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation is the latest UCAV of the Rainbow series, which includes the CH-4.
IDEAS China s CH 5 MALE UCAV makes first foreign appearance 640 001CASTC's new CH-5 showcased for the first time outside China
The CH-5 is a MALE UAV system which can combines ISR and strike missions. It can carry various kinds of payloads to realize detection, surveillance, and target tracking missions. Besides, the CH-5 can be armed with a wide range of weapons, such as the FT-9 and FT-10 precision guided bombs, to perform surgical strike missions, no-fly zone patrol and other military missions. It can also be used in civil situations like emergency communication and geophysical prospecting.

The CH-5 has a maximum flight speed of 300 km/h and a cruising speed of 160-220 km/h. It features an endurance of 30 hours in ISR configuration and 20 hours in armed version, and has a maximum operational ceiling of 7,600 m.

With a maximum take-off weight of 2,6 tonnes, the CH-5 has a payload capacity of 900 kg and a fuel capacity of 650 kg.


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