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Poly Defence highlights its Silent Hunter laser defense system at IDEAS 2016.

| 2016
Army Recognition
Online Show Daily News & Web TV
IDEAS 2016
9th International Defence Exhibition & Seminar

22 to 25 November 2016
Karachi , Pakistan
Poly Defence at IDEAS 2016
Poly Defence highlights its Silent Hunter laser defense system at IDEAS 2016
The Chinese defense company Poly Defence came at IDEAS 2016 International Defence Exhibition & Seminar in Karachi with some of its latest products. Among them is the Silent Hunter laser defense system, which was unveiled at AAD 2016 in South Africa and is designed to incercept various small UAVs and aerostats.
The Silent Hunter laser defense system takes advantage of its high power laser beam to strike low altitude, low speed and small UAVs and aerostats in about 10 sec. and with high accuracy, low collateral damage and low emission cost. Silent Hunter has been designed to protect strategic objectives such as C2 center, missiles launchers, airfield or barracks and other strategic places like nuclear power plants and defense factories.

The system integrates functions of command and control, radar searching, optical/electronic warning and laser attacking together to realize purposes of target searching, capturing, locking/tracking and shooting down.

There are two forms of Silent Hunter system, one vehicle-mounted and one fixed form. The vehicle-mounted form be integrated on a 4x4 or 6x6 wheeled vehicle. The fixed form can be divided into small parts which are each lighter than 200 kg in order to facilitate deployement of the system on the top of buildings.

Silent Hunter's striking area ranges from 200 m (5kW) to 4,000 m depending (30 kW) on the power input. The capture distance reaches 4 km and the laser can neutralize target smaller than 2 meters and flying at a maximum speed of 60 m/s. The system has a maximum capacity of continuous laser emission of 200 sec and can reload its laser beam in 6 sec.



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