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Iran and Egypt could be interested to purchase airborne combat vehicles from Russia TASS 11308162.

| 2016
Defence & Security News - Iran
Iran and Egypt could be interested to purchase airborne combat vehicles from Russia.
Iran and Egypt have shown interest in military hardware operational with Russia’s Airborne Force, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.
Iran and Egypt have shown interest in military hardware operational with Russia’s Airborne Force, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said. 2S25 Sprut-SD Self-propelled anti-tank gun
"During the Airborne Platoon international competition, the Russian Airborne Force commander ordered to show the marching and firing capabilities of advanced Airborne Force military hardware and equipment to the heads of foreign delegations at the Rayevsky training range near Novorossiysk (south Russia)," the press office said.

"The delegations could see the march of Sprut-SD self-propelled antitank guns, their firing capabilities at a maximum range, including from the afloat position," the press office added.

According to the press office, the delegations were also shown the marching capabilities of a BMD-4 airborne fighting vehicle. The vehicle negotiated obstacles along a race track and fired an organic 100mm gun.

"The show has aroused special interest of Iran and Egypt that repeatedly noted the high reliability and quality of Russian-made military hardware during the competition," the press office added.
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