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FLIR Systems awarded $74.7 M contract for Land Surveillance Systems for U.S. Army.

| 2017

FLIR Systems, Inc. has been awarded a $74.7 millionfirm-fixed-price orderto deliver TacFLIR®surveillance camerasin support of the U.S.Army EO/IR-Force Protection (FP) program. The U.S. Army will purchase the systems through Army Contracting Command, Redstone.

FLIR Systems awarded 74 7 M contract for Land Surveillance Systems for US Army 925 001
FLIR Ranger range of ground surveillance radars are designed to detect and track multiple threat simultaneously at ranges beyond the fence line so security personnel can monitor and control their security zone by intercepting threats before they can complete their mission (Credit: Flir Systems)

The units delivered under this contract will support the ongoing U.S. Army EO/IR-FP program, which provides enhanced perimeter security and force protection for U.S. troops stationed around the world, such as Iraqand Afghanistan. As part of the same program, FLIR was also awarded an $8.8 millioncontract in the third quarter 2017 to deliver other FLIR Ranger®radars.

“We are honored to continue our long-standingsupport of the U.S. Army,” said Jim Cannon, CEO and President of FLIR. “This program highlights our ability to rapidly deploy our technology for critical missions and underscores FLIR’s commercially developed, military qualified approach.”

The contract expands the use of FLIRstabilized surveillance systems for the U.S. Army’s EO/IR-FP programs. FLIR has delivered over a thousand EO/IR sensorsto the U.S. Army as part of this program to support the safety ofU.S. forces and those of U.S. allies, including a variety of systems.

FLIR will manufacture the systems in Wilsonville, Oregon. Deliveries will begin in 2017 and be completed within one year.

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