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Kalashnikov presents its new modular tactical assault vest including body armour at Army-2016 10802174.

| 2017
Army Recognition
Online Show Daily News & Web TV
Army 2016
International military and technical forum

6 - 11 September 2016
Moscow, Russia
Kalashnikov modular body armour at Army 2016
Kalashnikov presents its new modular tactical assault vest including body armour at Army-2016.
One of the subdivision of Kalashnikov Group has presented a new modular tactical body armour gear during the International Military Technical Forum, Army-2016, in September last year. The main advantage of this new body armour is the use of a modular concept offering a full range of configurations for soldier in the battlefield.
One of the subdivision of Kalashnikov Group has presented a new modular tactical body armour gear during the International Military Technical Forum, Army-2016, in September last year. The main advantage of this new body armour is the use of a modular concept offering a full range of configurations for soldier in the battlefield. The new modular assault vest including body armour developed and designed by Kalashnikov subdivision.

The Russian Company Kalashnikov is also manufacturer of new equipment including multilayered clothes (summer and winter sets), equipment (vests, backpacks), and protective gear (body armor, armored helms) for special forces soldiers.

At Army-2016, Kalashnikov Group representative has presented its new prototype of tactical assault vest including body armour to Army Recognition online defense and security magazine, manufactured by a subdivision of Kalashnikov Group. This is a fully new design of modular body armour featuring new concept to increase comfort and protection for modern soldiers.

The new modular body armour of Kalashnikov offers the possibility to the soldiers to remove or added some components of its individual equipment according to the missions requirements in just few seconds.

The same modularity is adapted for the armour plates which can be fitted at the front and at the back of the tactical assault vest, but the protection of the soldiers can be increase thanks to the use of new armour components to protect the shoulders, neck or lower body of the fighters.

Another interesting new feature of the Kalashnikov body armour/assault vest is the possibility to remove the whole front panel with assault rifle magazines with another components to carried grenades or ammunitions for example.


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